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Tue, 17 Jan 2006 16:20:23 -0500
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Hi all dis be SaraFerret who is wondering what is happenin on earth.
So many ferrets are crossing de bridge.  Is there an epizootic going on
dere.  Please clue me in.
Well anyway, I got notice dat dere was a new ferret waiting at de bridge.
So I opens de gate and waits for him along with a very large group of his
friends that were waiting for him.  Oh-oh I see he is blind and deaf.  Oh
no!!!  Dis means good old SaraFerret has to trot de bridge once again.
But who else could do it, so offs I trots and of course with de swaying,
I slipped and found myself dangling from the rope with all four paws
holding on for dear life.  Oh brain dont fail me now.  Okay one upswing
and now I am ok.  I made it to this handsome white gentleman with de
bluest eyes.  Hi I introduced myself as SaraFerret-bridge greeter.  Oh
are you going to help me --really young lady I dont need any help quite
capable of trotting the bridge by myself.  Okay I tells him, you help me
across as I tend to trip easily.
Well of course Ms Ferret I will help you across.  He really was quite
the ferret and a lady charmer as well.  Wowsie we finally made it with
Mr Casper's "help".  I read him the note that had been forwarded to de
bridge by hishuman mommy Debi.  She wants him to know she loves him so
much but knows he will be so happy at the bridge.  Well Mommy Debbi, Mr
Casper can see and hear and I know just the lonely lady for him--purely
platonic companionship though.  Auntie Mary Ferret is just the lady.
With his large group following us, I felt like we were in a parade and
all of a sudden the bridge overthe river kwai music started up and we all
giggled.  Well who should be there to meet us, Auntie Mary all spick and
span in a fluffy blue apron which just showed off her white fur.
And what happened next?  Well you guessed it--stars and hearts were in
their eyes.  Of course all the kits ran up and wanted to meet Mr Casper
who is now known as Uncle Casper Ferret.  Auntie Mary had in her arms a
wrapped package of wings and a halo.  A big pair of wings in dazzling
sapphire blue and the gold halo to match.  They only had eyes for each
other.  I knew that this was truly a relationship made in paradise.  I am
such a romantic.  I asked him if he would like the tour of the place and
Auntie Mary spoke up and said Ms SaraFerret you have other work to do, I
will show Uncle Casper the place.  She shooed me back to the bridge and
off they went.  By the way later in the day dere was a big war dance and
they were the stars.  Casper wants me to tell you Mommy Debi that he
misses you, but this is his home now and when you get here they would be
happy to have you stay with them
Hugs and dooks
[Posted in FML issue 5126]