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Wed, 21 Dec 2005 00:20:26 -0500
text/plain (62 lines)
Hiya all dis be SaraFerret.  Please excuse me for (pant-pant-pant) as we
has been so busy greeting and poor Sandee has her tail being taken care
of by Boss and pant-pant-pant, I cant hardly catches my breath.  Whoosh.
Dere you go SaraFerret-just breathe in slowly and out slowly.
Ok--alright girl now go to work.
Okay I was waiting at de bridge wit Sinbad for Helena to cross to our
side.  I knew dat her human mommy was so sad when she has to say bye-bye
to her for awhile.  OOPS dere she is--slightly tilted--musta been dat
morphine--wefurs dont do drugs well.  She peered at de bridge which
naturally was just swaying a bit and got scared.  Oh-oh de Boss has
already told me SaraFerret you has got to quit bouncing over to dat other
side you are gonna fall off for sure.  But I threw caution to de winds as
Helena definitely needed help so I kinda crawls out to de center of de
bridge (wowsie its swaying more den I tought--no wonder she was scared.
I yell to Helena-come on sweetie--I is SaraFerret come on across--okay I
hear this whispery little dook.
She crawls on to the bridge and somehow I gets turned around and tells
her to grab my tail and hold on as we have to crawl de rest of de way.
Must've been quite a sight-as someone had a camera to make pictures of
for de Boss to see us crawling.  We makes it--Yipppee!!!!  Okay we are
both standing upand she is a dainty little girl still a bit sleepy eyed
tho.  Wake up Helena--she says where am I --ok you has crossed de Rainbow
Bridge.  Oh dat is what Mommy Kim was telling me about.  Am I ok?  Can I
go back now dat I am ok?
No honey I tells her--you have to wait here for Mommy to come way in de
future, but Sinbad is here--and he pops out from behind me and hugs her--
wowsie am I glads to see you--little sis he tells her.  Helena started
giggling and dey were dancing around and bouncing and den wardanced.
Ok--she's got to get dat drug outta her system and dancing is a good way
to do it.
Sinbad asked her what color of wings she was gonna get and she says
wings?  I gets wings?  Sure you do--see mine, he pointed out and wow what
a halo he has.  I decide to take over and greet her properly down dat she
has calmed down a bit.  We trotted over to de Kit Wing and Halo shop to
make her most important selection of her new life here--there dey
were--just perfect for a dainty miss--the most beautiful palest green dat
I had ever seen and she tried dem on and dey fit perfect and the halo was
placed on her head and she was an angel.  She says gee, I wish Mommy
could see me--well honey I tells her, one day you will--and later when
probation time is over for new angels you may be able to hop on a passing
comet and run to your mommy and place a kiss on her cheek and whisper
sweet dooks in her ears, but she will be asleep, and it will be de best
dream for your mommy.  We has got to quit being sad and start rejoicing.
Soon de choir angels and ferret and mousie angels will be practicing.
Let me hear you sing Helena and there was the most beautiful dook very
high--Great you can be a soloist in de ferret section of de choir as you
are almost as high as de mousie angels.  Would you like to do something
Helena?  Sure she says.
Lets go over here.  We reached the reflecting pool and she could see her
Mommy Kim wit de new ferret Dweezil--and she wasnt crying anymore and
this made Helena so happy as she had worried so about her mommy.  So we
trotted over to dere home and we visited a while.
Hugs and dooks from de Bridge
[Posted in FML issue 5098]