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Thu, 20 Oct 2005 19:07:45 -0700
Muldoone Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (90 lines)
Early morning at the Rainbow Bridge was such a beautiful place to be;
the sun had risen and it painted the sky with beautiful streaks of pink,
golden yellow, blue, and lavender.  The birds were singing; happy to be
starting a new day, the flowers having given up the last of their dew to
the sun, and animals everywhere were beginning to stir.
Muldoone awoke and he began to stretch and yawn, and yawn, and yawn,
and yawn some more.  "I no wants to get up" he grumbled to himself "but
iffins I not gets up Nanna be in here yanking my hammy.  Dat Nanna, I
like to yank her hammy sometime."
Climbing out of his hammy and making his way to the "necessary" corner,
Mully then set about trying to tame his hammy-head-hair and get his cap
on, "Geezums, I loose dis battle 'gain" and after heaving a sigh of
resignation, out the door he went making his way to the Bridge to greet
the newcomer that was due to arrive.
Taking his time getting to the Bridge, Muldoone enjoyed drinking in the
sights of his surroundings.  Ferts of all sizes and colors playing.
Ferts wrestling, ferts bathing one another, ferts doing things ferts like
to do; run, play, and have fun.  The delicate colors of the sunrise were
burning away to reveal a crystal blue sky.  Flowers of every color one
could imagine and others that the human eye had never seen were at the
Rainbow Bridge, flowers that seemed to be in competition with one another
to be the most beautiful or the most fragrant.  Flowers were not exactly
a guy-ferrety thing but Mully had to admit his favorite were the Fox
Gloves and he marveled at the shades of pink and purples they burst forth
Arriving at the Bridge and taking his place, the sweet sad Ferret Promise
Song began to swell on the breeze offering comfort to a grieving heart
back on earth and waiting to give a warm loving embrace to the one who
came.  It sang of happier times, the song sang of days of laughter and
playtime, the song told the story of a ferret found just in time to be
given a second chance at a better life.  The song sang of days with a
beloved fuzzy, one with many health problems, quality of life no longer
what it used to be and days when decisions had to be made, days of
endless tears, the last bittersweet gift unselfishly given to the one
so loved.
At the moment each ferret passed, the Creator gently took them in His
thundering velvet right hand and whispered to their hearts "I knew you
before you were ever a ferret, I knew you while you were on earth, and
you have returned to Me, rest now wee-one, you are home, come and start
your new journey that begins at the Bridge."
Mully stepped forward to greet the new arrival.  "Welcomes to da Wainbow
Bwidge Petey, I be Mr. Muldoone, officialist Bwidge Gweeter."  Muldoone
leaned forward offering his nose to the new arrival in a friendly
The little male ferret seemed confused and afraid, not sure of where he
was or why he was suddenly there.  Where was his mom?  He had been at
the ferret doctor just a little bit ago.  After a bit the newcomer found
his voice and asked "Where be my mom?  I no tink I appose to be here"
Petey told Muldoone.
"Well kid it be wike dis, you bees sick and yur mom takes you to see da
dock-tor and dey say it time for you to comes here" Muldoone explained
to him.
"I not feels sick, I feels gud so can you sends me back?  My mom be
worried if I be gone too long.  I helps her get stuff done" Petey
"Sworry Petey, I no can dooes dat, you bees here wif me now until yur mom
come to gets you" Mully told him.  "Dere be a fewet here who say she want
to sees you, she say she be wif you when yur mom finds you."
Petey thought hard for a moment and then he got a big grin on his face.
"Pixie Mouse bees here?" he asked excitedly.
A streak of fur went blurring past Muldoone and a little voice was heard
to squeal out PETEY!!!!!  The two ferrets were instantly tangled up in
a ball rolling around on the ground, dooking, ferret kisses galore,
laughing, giggling, and more dooking.  It was quite a reunion to witness.
Finally Pixie got herself together and asked wanting to know if it would
be okay for her to show Petey around at the Rainbow Bridge.  "Pwease
Misser Muldoone, I shows Petey 'round and he can bunks wif me, my hammy
be big 'nuff for us boff."
"Sur dat be ok" Mully told the two ferrets.  As they were heading down
the path paw in paw, Muldoone whispered a message to Petey and Pixie's
earth mom, "I pwomise I takes gud care of dem boff."
Caring for your ferrets at the Rainbow Bridge.
[Posted in FML issue 5037]