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Mon, 5 Jun 2006 07:12:39 -0700
Mustela Putorious <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (92 lines)
Lying in his hammie in his cozy little cottage in the woods, he is lost
in thought.

Musty Pete enjoys the serenity he can find in all his favorite places of
the Rainbow Bridge community.  His most favorite spot of all is beside a
small freshwater spring under an ageless oak tree, her boughs bending to
the ground, creating an almost cave-like haven.  Pete spends much time
here.  He contemplates all the creatures he has greeted at the Bridge,
daydreams about his earth-bound family and gives a great deal of his
time to thinking about Fancy Ferret.  His one true love.

Pete misses Mom & Paps Doyle, back at the shelter.  He knows they are
missing him too.  He often imagines Paps special duck soup, oh how Pete
enjoyed that soup.  He secretly wishes that when Fancy crosses over, she
will somehow manage to bring him some of that soup.  But, Pete has bridge
business to attend to this afternoon so he must cut short his daydreams
and pull himself together to greet a new arrival.

Pete is at the Rainbow Bridge a bit early, there isn't anyone else here
yet.  He sits on one of the scscroll workenches by the bridge and closes
his eyes to catch 40 winks.  Pete is a world class napper and lounger.
He has been like this since he was a young kit.  It has always been so
easy for him to daydream, sometimes about the silliest of things.  He is
in the midst of happy thoughts of Fancy Ferret when a cool breeze washes
over his whiskered face.  Pete opens his eyes and sees an older lady
ferret crossing the bridge to meet him.

Pete stands and says, "Hello, you must be Killconey Ferret?" extending
a large paw, he adds "Welcome to the Rainbow Bridge, my name is Musty

She studies Pete for a moment then replies, "It is more beautiful here
than I ever imagined."

She takes Pete's paw and smiles demurely.  "How do you do Musty Pete.  I
have been waiting for a while to make this journey ... I cannot believe
how wonderful I feel.  I had been sick for a time, but now all my aches
and pains are gone.  Amazing!"

Pete smiled, "Yes, It is amazing and it only gets better from now on."
"Would you like to take the grand tour?" asks Pete, "I'll be happy to
show you around a bit."

"That would be lovely." she replied, "Lead the way Musty Pete."

The first place they come to is The Meadows, and today there is a group
of youngsters happily dooking and dancing in the tall green grass.

"Oh look!  They are so happy!" exclaims Killconey Ferret "They are having
so much fun!  It makes me think of my own kits...You know, Pete...some of
my kits are here already, do you think I might be able to see them?"

"Absolutely!" Pete answers "Let's finish the tour, then we'll get you
settled in and you can visit with all of your family and friends."

As they continue walking Pete points out the location of The Pool Of
Remembrance and explains to Killconey that she can view her earthbound
family any time she likes.  The next stop is The Greater and Lesser Falls
and The Great Tree Of Hope.  Pete explains to Killconey the significance
of the Great Tree Of Hope and how it heals the soul and makes the spirit
whole again.

As they continue on the beaten path they come to a very large clearing,
"This is The Gathering Place" explains Pete, "From time to time we have
community meetings that all residents must attend, this is where we all
meet." Pete continues, "Farther from this place is The Woodlands, which
serves as a barrier from our community and The Great Beyond."

Killconey looks puzzled, and asked "What is the Great Beyond?"

Pete smiled serenely, "That is where we all go once everyone we have
ever loved has made the crossing at The Rainbow Bridge.  When you are
reunited with all of your loved ones, you all travel together to The
Great Beyond.  The final resting place."

"This is a very special place Musty Pete.  Thank you for showing me
around, I am a bit tired now, do you think you could show me where I
will be staying now?"

Pete nodded, "Yes, yes, of course.  Please follow me.  We will get you
settled, then I will round up your kits, family and friends for a
wonderful reunion."

"Oh, that would be lovely Pete, thank you." As they turned to walk back
towards the Bridge, the sun had begun to set and there was a beautiful
double rainbow in the sky, it was a glorious site to behold.

To be at the Bridge is what love really means
I'll wait here forever to see you again
~Musty Pete
[Posted in FML issue 5265]