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Sun, 21 May 2006 21:59:08 -0500
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Hi all dis be SaraFerret.  Mommy has not been doing too good so she hasnt
been posting my greetings for awhile.  BAD MOMMY!  So now she is getting
herself in shape and furiously twying to catch up with de greetings.
Okay de other day while I was playing in the sun with my adopted furkits
Isabel and Serena, Rocky came running over and says his mommy was cwying
cuz her beautiful Princess Ferret was gone.  Gone!  I said where did she
go?  Well DUH!  he said hey SaraFerret whats happening wit you --must be
the heat or burnt fur or someting.  But I did get de message.
So I drops Isabel and Serena off at Mully's den and hotpawed it over to
de bridge wit Rocky to meet his sister.  Just in time.  Dere she came
slowly and silently.  We could see from where we was dat she had biggie
tears running down her face.  Aw, ROcky says, can I run to her, but I
cautioned him saying only bridge gweeters can do dat.  So I got myself
in gear (why do dese days have to be so windy.  I twyed to hold on to
de ropes and ended up hanging from de ropes by one paw.  Wowsie, well
de Boss must've been around be cause I managed to swing backs up to de
bwidge.  And I finally got to where Princess was holding on to de ropes
by her paws just clenched in fear she would falls.  I gwabs ahold of her
and tells her dat we will have to waits for howdies and got her to de
entrance.  Sigh!  Poor little girl was still sobbing and den she saw her
bro, Rocky.  ROCKY!  she screamed and he ran and hugs her so tights.  Den
dey both cryed together.  both cwyed.  But soon dey had dere tears dwyed
up wit de help of cloths and he intros me to his sis.  Hey sis, dis be
SaraFerret de bwidge gweeter.  Oh she says, I has heard of her, is dat
where I is?  De Rainbow Bridge.  And den she looked around in amazement
(dat dictionary sure comes in handy).  Wowsie she says dis place sure be
pretty.  Well I intros myself anyway.  Hiya girl I is SaraFerret, one of
de Bridge-gweeters.  Mully is de other one and I hears dat de BOSS will
soon be gettin another one cuz so many ferrets are crossing.  Would you
like to have a tour of de place after we gets your wings.  WINGS!  she
yelled--we gets wings?  We sure do and den she looked at Rocky and I more
closer and she saw our wings and haloes.  Oh wowsie, dose are too cool.
Well on our way to Kit and Kaboodle we chatted abouts a tour but she says
she just too tired to do de tour but Rocky volunteered dat he would be
happy to show his sis around and protect her from de wild ones.  Boys do
tend to getsprotective of dere sis (dictionary).  So I says, well we
will just goes tode pool after we gets you some wings and sign ya up
for fwying lessons.  Oh!  she says.  Okay!  Dere at de door Auntie Mary
Ferret was standing wit a very small kit wrapped in a blankie--of course
he was probably upset at leaving his mommy because he sure was cwying and
Auntie was twying to comfort de little one.  So she handed him to me--
yeppers he was wet--had done it all over himself and I could tell he had
already poo'ed.  Phew!  So I went to get de diaper dat dey have to wear
when dey are little kits wit no litterbox twaning.  I knew where dey were
as I often volunteers here.  But Auntie had de situation under control.
She had a beautiful pair of silky softy wings for Princess or rather
Lucky Charm as dere just was too many Princesses around here.  Every
girl ferret is always a Princess to dere Mommys.  Auntie put dem on her
and took a few nips and tukes in dem and turns her awound and puts her
pretty halo on her and yes indeed she sure did look like a ferret angel
Princess.  I asked Princess if she likes pepsis and she says she loves
them more den anything except her mommy.  So I gwabbed tree pepsis out of
de cold pwace and gots some straws and handed dem to Rocky and he being
de gentleman biggie bro opened hers and puts de straw in for her.
Den we was off.  We were just walking kinda of slow giving her time to
soak in de wonder of de Heavens and she was really in awe of de whole
pwace.  Itells her dats Heavens is a biggie pwace what wit humans and all
de animals living here in dere new lives.  And right before us was de
magical reflecting pool.  Rocky hadnt been dere before so he was really
quiet also.  I motioned dem to put down de pepsis on a bench.  Den I
swished and swashed de water awound and dre appeared dere family all
crwying even de little ferrets was cwying and I tells dem both to yell
very loudly to dere mommy and daddy--hey we is allright-we gots here and
we both are doing fines.  And as if dey could hear us, dere family got
very quiets and looked at each other and around and den looked up--stars
in de heavens in de daytime?  Hey Mommy and Daddy dose stars are us.  And
den dey figured it out, qyut cwying and started laughing and singing for
joy.  Dose stars were dere furkids sending a message dat dey were really
home here.  And den de view faded.  And both Rocky and Princess were
thrilled and no longer sad--dey had indeed come home.
And so ended another gweeting at de Rainbow Bwidge
[Posted in FML issue 5250]