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Sun, 5 Mar 2006 19:23:40 GMT
diane fishback <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
Hi Everyone
They say things happen for a reason.
On February 13th, we got two 7 month old kits that were turned into a Pet
co that a friend of ours works sat.
In the back of my mind I knew why they were entering our lives at this
time.  it was to help fill the void and ease the pain that was about to
creep into our lives once again.  Today was the day it happened.
We escorted Ross to the Rainbow Bridge this morning at 9:45.  He has been
battling Insulinoma for almost a year and a very enlarged Spleen for
almost 2 years.
He started going downhill yesterday, and we knew that it was time for him
take that trip to the Rainbow Bridge that we have been telling him about.
The kits will help to ease some of the pain that we are now feeling, but
the void that has been left by Ross will be felt for sometime to come.
We love you Ross!
Have you hugged your ferret today?
[Posted in FML issue 5173]