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Wed, 18 Jan 2006 00:26:17 -0500
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Hi all, dis is SaraFerret and I just got paged by de Boss to come and see
Him.  So I trots as fast as I cans to Him.
He tells me that Mully's sister has had a strokey or someting like dat.
And I am de one to greet her.  Oh wowsie, I tells Him.  What did you
say Sara Ferret?  Nothing sir, nothing at all, just talking to myself.
He says you know SaraFerret that is a very bad habit.  I agrees and
apologizes.  I must have looked real dejected (dictionary again) as de
Boss took me in His arms and said SaraFerret you are such a nice soul
and I know you must be supertired or you would never have had a thought
like that.  So off I scampered.  Wish I had a pair of dose inline skates,
must talk to Boss about getting the bridge greeters some of dose.
Well Ziggie was already at de other side and she looked tired and she
hadnt tried to cross yet.  Oh my, I was hoping but oh well.  So I starts
across de bridge and yelled come on Ziggie, its ok, I am SaraFerret
bridge greeter and Muldoone is waiting for you to cross.
Well de note said dat Ms Ziggie was scrappy, and she yelled back--how do
I know I am at the right bridge.  I dont know who you are and maybe I am
crossing to a bad place.
Oh mercy,I said, Ziggie, its the Rainbow Bridge and Muldoone is waiting
for you but he has a hurt paw and cant be right here.  I could see her
thinking about it.  Oh well, I am just gonna have to pick her up and
tie her to me and trot back across the bridge and thats what I did.  I
grabbed her and tied her to my back--my goodness for such a little girl
she could pack a wallop.  You wanna talk about a bad trip--try crossing
de swaying bridge wit a tiny mouse of a ferret pounding on ya.
Okay we made it.  I untied Ziggie and asked her if she was doing better
now.  When she saw where she was and who I was she apologized.  She says
I was just scccarrred Ms SaraFerret.  De stoke and de bridge jus scaaared
me and I didnt know anyone and it was lonely.  And I miss my human mommy.
Do you think dat I can go back now?  I told her dat no she couldnt return
but dat her mommy would be crossing de bridge one day in the future and
they would reunite then.  And then she saw Muldoone hobbling out wit his
paws all wrapped up and de satellite collar (yep unfortunately, Mully
had ripped some of his stitches in his paws and now he was stuck wit de
collar for a few more days)
Oh wowsie she said--running and screaming all the way Mully, Mully, oh
wowsie, Mully.  You could see a tear in Mully's eye.  He always likes to
act real brave but I know dat he has such a soft heart.  Of course Ziggie
was weeping--us girls always cry when we're happy.  I offered to show her
around and then I realized what I had forgotten.  The wings!!!!
Oh my!  I told Ziggie to come wit me and Mully limped along with both
paws on me.  He wanted to be wit his lovely sister and introduce her to
all.  But he says in a big voice--those guys better not get close to my
sis or I'll yell at dem.  I laughed to myself thinking well his sister
could really take care of herself-I have a bruisemark on my arm from her
little fists.  Okay the wings were laid out on the tables and she looked
and looked and looked.  She says well SaraFerret which should I choose
they are all pretty.  Well I climbed up on a shelf and pulled out the box
marked for special ferrets only.  The fluffy wings.  Well since Muldoone
was a bridge greeter, I figure his sis is a special ferret.  I know I
will get in trouble later, but..... So I pulled out this fluffy--really
fluffy small pair of wings just perfect for a mouse sized ferret.  Oh and
the pink went so well with her lustrous sable coat.  And you could see
her eyes sparkle.  Oh please please SaraFerret are those mine.  Well we
just got her hooked up and halo and hammieand I asks her if she wanted a
tour of the place.  She declined and said, well Mully and I just want to
chat about home for awhile and have some sweet iced tea and pepsis and
crackers with squirt cheese--I hopes we has dat here.  I tells her yep
we has it.  So I loaded up the basket and popped Muldoone into a wheelie
chair and put the basket on his lap and Ziggie and I trotted over to
Mully's place where he had put up a new hammock for her and somehow he
had got someone to clean up the place so his sis wouldnt have heart
failure when she saw his digs.
We had our party--and of course the word "party" went thru the mustey
placelike a wildfire and 50 ferrets, minks, otters and of course the ever
present mousie angels showed up.  One of the mousies told me dat Mully
had paid dem with cheese to clean up de place.  And it truly had been a
big job and they had enough cheese to last for two weeks.
I giggled and we all chattered about our homes of before and our home
now.  And so it went at the Rainbow Bridge.
Love, dooks, huggies
[Posted in FML issue 5126]