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Tue, 6 Dec 2005 14:04:32 -0500
text/plain (24 lines)
Thank you Linda Iroff for bringing up Dr. Kudrak's marathon!  Sandra is
our vet, and I've gotten to know her well (unfortunetely is was for
ferret related sickness's) over the past year.  Sandra has NEVER before
run a marathon, and has kept up her training despite muscle tears and
other assorted injuries.  She is as dedicated to this effort as she is
to the USDA regulations.  She is sooo close to her goal, each and every
dollar would help.
Linda's post:
>Dr. Sandra Kudrak, who was instrumental in writing the petition to the
>USDA for ferret specific regulations, will be running her first marathon
>the Sunday to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  Yes,
>that's a full 26.2 miles, and she has been in training since July!
>Sandra is running in honor of 4 year old Emily, who after 2 years of
>chemotherapy was recently pronounced cancer free!
>For information, go to
>Just a few dollars will help.
Sharon Lieberman
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[Posted in FML issue 5084]