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Fri, 9 Sep 2005 23:40:29 -0700
text/plain (61 lines)
Can someone please direct me to where I might find information on state
and county laws governing "discrimination" between one domestic pet and
another in respect to renter's rights with pets?
What state/county organization(s) would have jurisdiction over this or be
the ones to create laws and provide definitions/explanations on how
property owners can regulate pets dwelling in a rental unit?
Here's the specific reason for my inquiry: I have been asked by a
property management company (on behalf of the owner of a condo I'm
wanting to lease) to provide the owner with a minimum of (2) "ferret
references" that will substantiate my claim that my ferrets have never
damaged any of the prior rental units in which I've lived, while the
ferrets were in my possession.  (the management company says this is
standard for all potential renters with pets but I've never been asked
for this type of information prior to renting any other dwellings when
I owned birds, dogs, or rabbits).
Please note that the owner has stated clearly on the condo rental
information sheet that "pets" are allowed but the rental application does
not define the word pet, distinguish between any breed of pet, or give a
maximum quantity limit, but states that a $400 pet deposit is required.
The fact that I've never, EVER been withheld a complete refund of my
prior pet damage deposits after I've moved out of any of my previous
rentals should indicate that my "pets" (ferrets) have never damaged
anything but the owner of this condo will not accept this as a legitimate
I'm beginning to get a tad bit angry at these 'hoops' I'm being asked
to jump through, simply because my "pets" happen to be ferrets.  The
property mgmnt. company claims that the reason for such thoroughness
in respect to my ferrets is because the condo owner has had 'previous
negative experiences with ferrets who caused extensive damage to the
unit.'  I'm also questioning what the condo owner thinks the ferrets
will damage that will exceed $400; worst case scenario, the carpet get
replaced but I cannot imagine that cost exceeding $400 with the type of
carpet currently in the condo.
My ferrets are also "elderly" and the most lazy pets I've ever had :-)
They don't dig on the carpet, chew or scratch furniture, chew wires,
NOTHING!  They don't care about anything else but sleeping, eating, and
occasionally playing with each other.  Again, worst case scenario - they
have occasional accidents on the carpet but I'm quick to clean up after
them and if the carpet actually needed replacing, the damage deposit
would certainly cover that.
I would like to be prepared with adequate and proper information on this
issue should the owner challenge my refusal to supply "ferret references"
so any direction on this matter would be greatly appreciated.  For the
record, I did look up my county's "Animal Control" statutes and it is
clear that ferrets here are, in fact, considered 'domestic' pets and
not exotic animals according to the definition of exotic pet.  So any
reference to 'domestic' pet includes ferrets and therefore ferrets cannot
be singled out or discriminated against.
Thanks for your assistance!
Jennifer and the dynamic duo - Sasha & Snowball :-)
[Posted in FML issue 4996]