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Sat, 15 Apr 2006 08:41:27 -0400
DOOK-WOOF-DOOK <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (269 lines)
[All parts combined into one long post.  BIG]
First of all, let me address a couple of things here.
1.) NO ONE except one person has come to me to ask me questions
privately.  Asked me to show them vet bills, asked me to explain things.
2.) After I had my second son in 1993 (WAY BEFORE THE FERRET RESCUE), I
started a business.  It was the only way I could continue to work and
have children.  Putting children into day care took all my money from a
paycheck.  By doing Longaberger, which are the expensive baskets, I could
do these around my husband's work schedule and still earn money for the
family.  I did this job for many years and was extremely successful at
it.  We have a local craft fair near our home.  The display pieces I have
were purchased back in the 1990's and I am still using them today.  If
you look at my "expensive" display pieces, Alica, I think I saw your
husband one time at a show........LOS show at the Fort Washington Expo
Center, I have never met you personally.  But if you look at my shelves
and see the condition they are in, you will see that they are used and
have "been around".  They are NOT new by any stretch of the imagination.
I always make sure I put the initial investment BACK into the bank
account to repurchase items to sell, and use the profits to pay for
litter, food and vetting.  But when you have 2 slower shows back to back
or no shows, the money does get tight.  People, did you account for
that?  This shelter is a full time job for me to run, which includes the
fundraising aspect.  (Ebay, Raffles, Getting Show inventory, Making show
inventory).  I don't collect a paycheck from it and my family does not
see a cent from it.
3.) Once I decided to take on sheltering.......I put the nest egg I had
put aside from the Longaberger (stopped selling that in or about 2002)
into Ferret related products.  I thought since we do the shows as a
family hobby, why not shelter and support the shelter selling ferret
related items.  This nest egg was a nice chunk of change and I was able
to purchase items to sell, including Bedding, supplies, medical supplies.
I constantly change up what I am selling to keep things fresh.  Everyone
sells bedding, so the only bedding that I will sell is bedding I have
been purchasing from a lady named Sandy.  I have been purchasing from her
since she started on ebay.  Her bedding is quality bedding and people get
their money's worth.  Now, everyone knows about her, so I don't get to
make much of a profit on it anymore.  I will still pick up a few pieces
here and there.  I have never hid my ebay name from people.  And I will
make more off of another product to compensate for not making much on the
4.) Dog breeding (AGAIN).  First of all, my dogs were purchased back
in 1999 (Foundation male-Beau).  My females were purchased in 2000
(Ellie-Foundation Female) 2001 (Sophia and Amyiah) 2002 (Naj'ah).
Just got Sidney this year, she was a trade for one of our male puppies.
NO MONEY WAS PUT OUT FOR HER.  The last time my dogs bred, I put the
male with the female, plain and simple.  They do the deed usually in the
backyard.  We don't send them to the Hilton for a weekend away, which
would then cost me money.  Our backyard is free of charge, they have to
settle for that.  Our puppies are sold when they are 2 weeks of age.  We
have 3-4 litter out waiting lists.  People put $150.00 deposits down on
our puppies.  This money is used to pay the vet for the first set of
shots.  I give second set of shots here at home.  The money from the
puppy sales is what gives our dogs their shots every year, pays for
licenses, takes care of the puppies and feeds our dogs.  I am also a food
Distributor for Flint River Ranch dog and cat food.  I earn my dog food
pretty much every month.  So basically the dog breeding business DOES Not
cost me a cent, in fact in earns me a little extra.  This little extra
SHOULD Be spend on the dogs, but instead it is spent on the house (Yes,
like most home owners we have a roof, appliances, and maintained) It is
also spend on car repairs, and when my husband was laid off the dogs
helped keep the roof over our heads.  The money now is usually spent
purchasing ferret food, litter and paying vet bills off.  Fair to the
dogs?  They should be getting new collars, cool beds and expensive
treats.  But they are willing to help out when they can!
5.) FERRET BREEDER- Purchased 2 Females.  Both were with a V-Hob who's
surgery did not take.  Both my girls were pregnant.  One falsed, so I did
bred her again.  We had 5 kits.  Second female had 9 kits from the V-hob.
We still have 4 females left from this breeding, and 2 males.  They live
here and will always have a home here.  This was back in 2004.  I have
not bred since.  Since I did not sell these ferrets yet, I will not bring
in other ferrets into the world.  Plus I have found that most people who
walk through my door, need a petstore ferret and not a unneutered ferret.
They are two different animals.  So having 2 litters hardly qualifies me
as a massive breeder.  There are many people who both breed and rescue.
Examples are: Mary McCarty and Tara from Pa Ferret Rescue.  They do both,
and they do it well.  Alot of the Heart of Ohio Ferret Rescue People do
both and do it well.  I think as a breeder, you MUST give back to the
animal you are breeding or DON'T add to the issue.  Giving back can be in
many forms.  Donations from the sales to a rescue, giving of your time to
a rescue, having your own rescue or something along those lines.  Many of
the breeders I know, who are in the AFA have done alot of time in rescue.
So don't put down people who breed and also do THEIR part with rescue.
6.) Same vet since 2003 when I opened my doors.  I opened in September
2003.  I used a local vet for a couple of months.  At the direction of
Carol Krause (who also posts here), she introduced us to Anna Edling,
and we have been with her ever since.  I have referred many, many people
to their clinic.  You are all welcome to call down there.  I have NEVER
switched vets, as per Mr. Harry, and have always paid off my bills or
try to by the end of the year.  Last year was an exception.  Warm Fuzzy
Ferret Rescue closed in our area and moved south.  We got slammed.  We
got alot of sick and dying ferrets who would have otherwised suffered.
Instead they came here, got medical attention and had a place to die
with dignity.  DAMN ME for opening my heart and home to them.
7.) 5 Tables at the York Show.  Got 4 tables and yes, I showed 2 ferrets.
All shows, including table rents and show fees are paid for by my
generous husband.  When hotels are needed, those are paid for by him
also.  He is NOT reimbursed for this.  He allows me to rescue because he
knows it forfills a need in my heart to help things.  He also does not
like to travel, nor can we travel as a family because of the shelter.  He
stays home, with a case of beer which I purchase for him, and cares for
the shelter ferrets and our personal ferrets (YES, I have them too, damn
me again).  The shows are mini-vacations for my children so that they are
not completely denied everything in life because I want to run a shelter.
Where in the world does it say that one must give up all their worldly
possessions, life and every cent they have to run a shelter?  I certainly
am not becoming a Nun, I just want to run a shelter for ferrets who need
a home.  And DAMN me for trying to earn a buck.  I don't throw shows to
earn money, I don't have a team of people helping with the fundraisers.
I have 36 ferrets in my rescue, which is a medium sized shelter.  IF you
look on Petfinder under ferrets, count the ferrets in some of these
bigger named shelters.  See what they have listed.  Then see what I have
listed.  I have the following people helping me, UNPAID volunteers I
might add: Caryn, Lisa, Carissa, Jen and Archie, along with my children.
Never throw a big old beer party or BBQ for them either with donated
money.  You can email each one and ask them.  They volunteer out of the
kindness of their hearts, not expecting anything.  I don't how many times
they had to sit and wait, while I cleaned ferrets BEFORE we could go some
place.  How many times we did not do something we wanted to do, because I
have a sick ferret.  And you guys are dogging me because I am out there
trying to earn money to support this.  NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED.
>[Moderator's note: The advice to think before writing is certainly good.
>But not responding at all is not that simple: When a shelter asks for
>help it's not unreasonable to ask for more information.  There is only
>so much money to go around, unfortunately!  BIG]
That is all well and good, but I am NEVER ASKED TO SHOW ANY PROOF, NOR
SHELTERS.  You think I would have my life on line if I were trying to
hide something.  Come on people.  I am educated, have a chemistry degree,
I have been a successful business owner in the past, and I come from a
good, decent family.  I certainly would not take over or deceive the
ferret community when the one can simply call the vets I have listed or
check up on me.  My life is listed on the internet.  Come one people....
You could definitely do a "Slam of the Month"calendar, maybe donate the
money to the SOS.
TinyPrints Ferret Rescue PetFinder Web Page
Aloha Ferrets Ebay Store
Ferret Store and Agent for Martin's Cages-I am in no way connected, or
an agent for either.  When we started to do shows, be became friends with
the people from the ferret store.  Never once were they really welcome
into the ferret community.  No one asked them to go out to dinner or
hang out.  We did.  We happened to be set up aside of them and asked
them to go for a bite to eat after the show.  We have since developed a
friendship with them.  This, by no means, gives us anything other then
a friendship.  Nor would we expect that!!!  We get the same shelter
discount that everyone gets.  Occasionally we get a ripped open bag of
food for a discounted price.  We are not employed by or affiliated with
them in any way.  They are a business and have a shelter business to run.
We respect that, and would never take advantage of a friendship for
monetary gain.
Martin's cages- I believe in Skip Martin and the work he does.  I push
his cages every chance I get.  I love them, they are good for ferrets,
the designs are easy to work with and you can get replacement parts.
Plus they are a good deal for the money!  About a year ago, Skip could
not attend the Ohio show.  He has other shows to attend and yet he wanted
his cages to be represented there.  So he asked us if we wanted to do the
following: Take cages to the shows he can not attend in exchange for a
donation to our shelter.  We were going to the show anyway, and we have
the potential to earn a few extra bucks, which help pay the gas and
transportation of our supposedly HUGE inventory, we took him up on his
offer.  It is a win-win situation.  But Harry, you are way off on your
comments we are agents.  Anyone can either Email Kristen O from the
Ferret Store or Skip from Martins and verify this.
I have not posted out in a while.  I have been trying to change up the
inventory I sell so that I can still make money but target a different
group instead of posting out to ferret groups all the time.  AGAIN DAMN
me.  I posted just recently about my appliquid ferret shirts and items.
My thinking process when I decided to work on these products was that
there is not alot of things offered to ferret lovers.  Basically you have
a tee shirt or two.  Now there are people out there who would like to
occasionally get out of the old Tee Shirt, and so that is why I started
to appliqui better named shirts.  I get these shirts at yard sales and
thrift stores, I don't purchase them new.  I did post out about a couple
weeks ago when I listed them on ebay.  Everyone who purchased them really
likes them, so I thought this was a good avenue to take.  Sorry for
posting something new everyone.  I did not know most of you did not want
a new product on the market or another shirt, other then a tee shirt, to
show your Ferret Pride.
Harry justifies his slander by saying he did not mention my name
directly.  However, I am the only shelter which was in Pa, posted a
raffle, and also brought to light the fact that I am not the only shelter
effected by the policy changes with our vet.  I was trying to be kind by
giving the names of the other two shelters effected so that people could
also look into donating to them, incase they are not on this forum or
have not had time to post.  So Harry, you don't think the people are
smart enough to put two and two together?  Please give the readers of the
FML a little more credit then that.  Just because you don't mention the
name directly, does not mean this is not slander.  You have slandered me,
plain and simple.  You have stated all untruths, of which I can account
for everyone of them.  Should anyone want to see any proof, email me.....
just email me.  I have cancelled checks for the table space to show the
number of tables I purchase, I have vet proof I am using one vet since
2003.  I have cancelled checks to show that the table rent, hotels and
show fees are paid out of our home account.  I have a separate account
for the shelter.  I have cancelled checks and proof that not only are the
vet bills paid from my shelter account, but also from our home account.
I have proof, and A TON OF IT.  YOU PROVE TO ME.........That I am doing
something wrong.  The burden of proof is now on you.  I HAVE paperwork
and Back up.  YOU show me where I have done something wrong?  Show me
where I am spending money on Dog breeding.  Show me all the "money" you
have donated to me in the past?  I have one transaction on Ebay I think
which was from you.  Maybe two.  And they were not for alot.  You have
been slandering my shelter for over a year now.  I have only been
sheltering for 2 1/2 years.
And Seatle Laura, well, we won't go there.  She was kicked off a board
for starting trouble time and time again.  Had to start her own little
community where she can slander people at her own free will.  Enough
said there.
I honestly can see why people say "oh the unwanted animals are not my
problem" You get involved in rescue and it is ONE BIG OLD HEADACHE.  So
after my ferrets are adopted, the bill is paid off, the unwanted ferrets
can be someone else's problem.  As much as this goes against everything
I was taught and what is in my heart, I must do this because frankly, I
can't take the abuse for trying to do a good thing.  One can only take so
much.  You can only fight an uphill battle for so long.  Why do you think
this community keeps loosing ferret shelters?  Ferrets cost alot of money
due to their health issues, not alot of education goes with a ferret
purchase from the pet stores, people surrender them at a high rate, and
dog and cat shelters have too much to do to worry about smaller animals.
So what does this community do?  It hammers and knocks down the people
who are willing to step up to the plate, devote their lives to
sheltering, and give up their time to take care of these animals.  Harry,
you got the easy job.  Sit at home, do a little bit of fundraising and
then call yourself a Big Time Ferret Supporter.  Get some cages, get some
rescue ferrets and take care of them day in and day out.  Stay up over
night, not sleep in your bed, and care for a sick ferret/ferrets.  Use
your gas to drive sick ferrets to the vet, give up all family vacations
for your rescue.  Pay all the expenses.  Right now, you are just doing
the FUN part of rescue.  Fundraisers.  God, I wish it were that easy!
OFF my Soap Box now, Sorry so this was so long but you know..........
TinyPrints Ferret Rescue PetFinder Web Page
Aloha Ferrets Ebay Store
[Posted in FML issue 5214]