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Tue, 8 Nov 2005 00:24:58 -0500
Risa Di Vincenzo <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (57 lines)
Late this evening I overheard this conversation between my two fuzzgirls:
Baby: Kette, kette, are you awake?
Mikette: Yes Baby, I'm awake.
Baby: You is asleeps so much now Mikettes.
Mikette: Yes, the days of my life have changed.  But I am still happy.  I
have my warm cozy home, I have Momma, and I have you.
Baby: Kette, I miss Jillie.
Mikette: I do too Baby, we were very lucky to all be together for so long.
Baby: And we all be together again someday, wight?
Mikette: I do believe so. And sometimes, believeing makes it so.
Baby: We is luckies.  We got our forever Momma, our home, and each other.
(she sighs deeply, ready to continue into sleep when Mikette speaks
Mikette: We is very luckies.  Not all fuzzies have these things.  Jillie
did not always have these things.  Some hoomins work so hard to help all
us fuzzies get our loving home.
Baby: I knows, Momma got our special Jillie at a shelter.  We was lucky
that dat shelter Mommy knew Jillie was ours!
Mikette: We were lucky, and so was Jillie.  Not all shelter fuzzies find
their home.  But dose shelter ferrets are still lucky cause they got
their shelter Mom and Dad who love them so much, and work so hard takin
good care of them.
Baby: Dat must be hard, Momma works so hard just of us.
Mikette: It is, dey get new fuzzies to help all da time.  And they have
to undo all the unkinds that other hoomins did.  It takes a lot of heart
to do dat.
Baby: Oh, they be so special, just like our Jillie.  I love them, I
thanks them.
Mikette: It is so important to give them fuzzie thanks.  They do all dat
for us.  We gots to thank them, for Jillie and for us.
Mikette looks out into the night, pleading with the stars, the moon, the
fml readers...
"Please help us thank them.  There are so many ferret shelters, and so
many of us ferrets that need them.  Please help us give them the special
thanks they deserve every day.  Please help us recognize them this
Thanksgiving.  "
Please sign up for the Thanksgiving Card shelter thanks with Joanne at
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[Posted in FML issue 5055]