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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 0609 1978 35 10_Re: Maggie7_R [log in to unmask], 3 Sep 2006 21:19:39 -0400529_- All day I have kept Maggie mom and shelter operator. I have been to her shelter
and have interacted with the ferrets and have even sponsored one of the
special little guys who has had some reconstructive surgery on his face
due to a fibroid(?). He is totally adorable and you can check out her
webpage here: http://www.ferret-hide-e-hole.org/ [...]44_2Jun200617:34:[log in to unmask] 0606 2258 28 26_Vote for my ferrets and me8_j [log in to unmask], 2 Jun 2006 10:37:57 -0700556_- Fellow FMLrs,

I guess its my turn to ask for your votes. My ferrets and I are
participating in the animal attraction.com phote contest. Please help
me win.....But I have a twist on it.

If Milo,Otis,Taz,Boobo,Dewd, Chaka & I win we will donate our prize
money($500) in the form of shelter bucks from theferretstore.com to a
shelter very close to my heart.(Oxford Ferret Rescue). The
ferretstore.com matches $10 for every $25 bought in shelter
bucks....sooooo that means $700 for the shelter for food and supplies. [...]44_2Jun200610:37:[log in to unmask] 0606 2287 45 19_Thanks Miss Leah...14_Shannan [log in to unmask], 2 Jun 2006 23:13:51 -0400292_- Thank you Miss Leah! You are a big help, I really am a little scared
about modeling in the show. I don't want to mess up with all those
people watching me. I know many of them have been to shows and frolics
and will be able to spot an amateur; I don't want to be that ferret! [...]42_2Jun200623:13:[log in to unmask] 0606 2333 44 14_Mr. P is He...14_Shannan [log in to unmask], 2 Jun 2006 23:11:09 -0400299_- Hi Ping is He,

I'm honored to talk to you, I often read about the trouble you can get
into and try to live up to your high standards. I have looked up to
you for at least a few months! You sound like you'd be lots of fun at
a party, and I would love to toob with you one day! [...]42_2Jun200623:11:[log in to unmask] 0606 2378 25 11_SOS pennies15_Kesrael [log in to unmask], 2 Jun 2006 14:43:49 -0400579_- Folks, I just got my pennies from the SOS donation thing. They are so
cool. If you haven't gotten any yet or are thinking of picking up a few,
definitely do it. I'm planning on getting mine mounted so I can make
necklaces with them. They are definitely cool!

~Tammy - a.k.a. Kesrael

"All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wonder are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall [...]47_2Jun200614:43:[log in to unmask] 0606 2404 16 15_Ferret [log in to unmask], 3 Jun 2006 21:29:08 -0400471_- Hello everyone!! I know of a person who recently lost a ferret due to
poor health and would like to get another brother or sister for her one
remaining ferret. Does anyone know where in South Florida she could
adopt another ferret? Possibly Broward or Dade County.....

Another friend would like to find a ferret sitter in the same counties
if possible. She travels for business. I ferret sat for years for
friends until my situation changed. [...]42_3Jun200621:29:[log in to unmask] 0606 2421 28 25_Shelter near Reading, [log in to unmask], 3 Jun 2006 05:41:55 -0400538_- Although we are operating in a different capacity now, we will be happ
Fri, 2 Jun 2006 23:01:51 -0500
text/plain (72 lines)
Hi all dis is SaraFerret.  Wowsie has we greeters been working our tails
off.  And now sadly Musk and I are welcoming a whole bunch of his shelter
friends from NW Arkansas Ferret Shelter.

Here Musk and I and de kits were enjoying a nice relaxing swim at de
reflecting pool and all of a sudden I hears de loudspeaker: SaraFerret,
quit playing around and report to de bridge right now on de double.
(Is that Nanna's voice?  Oh my, if dat is Nanna, I is in biggie trouble.
De speaker went off again.  Bring Musk wit you as he can help you at de
bridge--some of his family is coming across.  Yep dat's Nanna).  Off we
all went, wet and dripping--all four of us.

Finally we gets dere and we quicky dry wit some leaves as someone must've
borrowed our towels.  Oh great, now we is all wet and drippy but covered
wit leaves.  We all look so silly dat we look at each other and start
giggling.  Where are these ferrets?  Oh yeah, now I see dem.  Dey are all
lining up.  Hmmm why are dey waiting to cross de bridge.  Oh no, dere are
more coming.  Musk said he had it figured out.  Dey were all waiting dere
so dey wouldnt cross alone.  Dey wanted to come as de group.  Musk says
he feels bad about dem coming across, as he thinks it was his bacteria
dat started it all.  I reming Musk dat we fuzzies only cross de bridge
when de BOSS tells us dat it is time.  Now dont you start blaming yrself,
Musk, I tells him.  And a big voice from above said she's right Musk, I
make de rules.  I knew dat Musk felt a bit better about all dis.

Dey are all lining up after de lead ferret.  According to de note, dat
mustbe Ollie (a personal ferret).  Oh, says Musk, dey are still paying
follow de leader, just like we dids whens we were at Missy Susan's.  Den
I heard de music from de clarinet paying de music bwidge over river Kwai
or somting like dat.  And I promises you, dose ferrets really did march.
I checks de notes--oh my--more den one note--SIGH!-- First was Ollie, den
Babygirl, Robby, Garret, and finally a beautiful black sable Mason.  Musk
ran to greet dem.  Uh, Musk sweetie, dat's my job.  Hmmm maybe he wants
to be gweeter, but no he brings dem over to me and introduces dem to me,
Hey fellow fuzzies, dis be SaraFerret, one of de bridge-greeters.  They
all were sorta in shock from de whole experience (dictionary).  I tells
dem dat we are at de Rainbow Bwidge, where all of us waits for our humans
to cross one day.  Ollie starts to cwy, but I wants to go back home to be
wit Missy Susan and den dey all started cwying.  I decided to lets dem
get it all out of dere system, as I knew dey would.  Finally Ollie quits
cwying and like a switch went off, dey all quits cwying.  Hmm--Ollie must
be de alpha fuzzie.  Dats right, says Musk, good old Ollie, a big leader
of us.

Ollie says dat germ just came in and wipes us out, Miss SaraFerret.  I
nod, understandingly (dictionary once again).

Ollie spokes up and said wells, I do feel much better den I did, no more
runny and yucking all over de pace and all de fuzzies nodded dere heads
and agreed wit him, even Musk.  Wowsie, dey are cute, de way de all do
dat.  De BOSS will really gets a kick out of seeing dis gwoup.  HE could
use a few laughs.  Den Ollie notices my wings and Musk's wings and even
de kits' wings.  Do wes get wings too?

Sure do I says.  Come wit me and we all trots over to de Kit and
Kaboodle.  Everyone picked out de wings and haloes of dere choice.  Musk
tells dem dat he has dere den all fixed up for dem.  I asks dem if dey
want de grand tour of de place now.  Ollie said he was much too tired
from de trip and sure enough all de fuzzies agrees wit him.  We didnt
even have a party.  I just took all dem including Musk over to dere new
den and hung up dere hamies and dey were out like a light.  But first
dey all threw a kissey to Missy Susan at de shelter and so tonite Miss
Susan, you should recieve a wet fuzzie kisseys on yr cheek and when you
wakes up you will know dey did send it to yous.

So ended a really mixed-up day at de bwidge and den me and Serena and
Isabel wents home and fell asleeps too.

Huggies, loves fisseys from de Rainbow Bwidge
[Posted in FML issue 5262]