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Sat, 24 Dec 2005 12:44:01 -0800
Muldoone Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (290 lines)
Christmas day at the Rainbow Bridge was a busy one.  Ferrets running
here and running there taking little gifts to one another from items they
had tucked away to give as presents and everyone was taking there turn
at the edge of the rainbow peeking in on their familees.  Since there
would be no greetings that day, Mully thought it was about high time he,
SaraFerret, and SandeeFerret got together just the three of them for a
day of fun and relaxation.  (Actually when you stop to think about it,
ferrets are so skilled at having fun, any more talented and you would
need to call the bunko squad and if they got any more relaxed, you would
be putting a mirror under their noses to make sure they were breathing)
The Boss being the Boss and knowing how much the three ferrets loved the
snow, He set aside a special section at the Rainbow Bridge, fixed up a
ski slope for them and told them to go and have fun.  They had worked
hard all year long greeting the ferrets as they arrived and they deserved
a day without tears.
Muldoone, SandeeFerret and SaraFerret were rolling in the snow, throwing
snowballs at one another and just having fun in general.  SaraFerret had
brought along her mousie angel friends and she would go flying over the
hill with the mousies riding on her shoulders.  Sara wore a beautiful
wool scarf around her neck and the mousies would hang on to it for dear
life as she went flying over the hill.  Mully was getting a little
concerned about the mice putting their paws over her eyes and once they
did have a wipe-out and everyone went flying.  It took a bit to locate
one of the mousie angels, he was buried in a snow bank with just his
little pink butt sticking out.
Following a morning of fun and games at the slopes, the three ferrets
were pretty tuckered out and they still had a good portion of their
special "day off" to fill.  SaraFerret had heard of a new beauty and
make-over salon that had opened at the Rainbow Bridge and she wanted the
three of them to check it out.  "Come on guys, we can gets makes-obers.
Mully, maybe dey can fixes dat hammy-head-hair of yurs, Sandee maybe dey
can fixes yur tail, and me, I wants new furrrrrrrrrr" SarraFerret stated
shivering in the cold.  "I hate being bald so lets go" and off they went
in search of their new make-overs.
Arriving at the salon, the three ferrets were greeted by a beautiful mink
who told them if they could wait just a bit all three of them could get
make-overs, they were just finishing up on a couple of appointments.
"Sure we can waits a bit" SandeeFerret answered excitedly.  With her eyes
sparkling bright she looked sadly at her tail, "and then maybe I can get
this fixed" she mumbled to herself.
At last the three ferrets were ushered in and directed to a chair.
SandeeFerret was first to explain what she needed, she and her tail had
been in a most unfortunate incident and she badly needed it fixed and
would like to have a delicate green bow on the tip of it when all was
SandeeFerret was next to explain what she needed which was not all that
hard to figure out, she was BALD, this ferret needed some fur and her
tootsies were still a bit frosty from the ski slopes.
"Pwease" Mully told the beautiful mink salon-operator, "I needs someone
to tame dis hammy-head-hair of mine."
"I tink we can dooes dat" the mink chattered away.  "Our early shift bees
goin off for da day but we has our affernoons shift comin on and dey be
here any minute, dey be some hip characters, I be sure dey can fixes da
three of you right ups." I gets you set up in a chair and yous can just
lay back and get comfy, SandeeFewet, sworry but we needs you tails up."
Muldoone thought he heard SandeeFerret say something about it being
embarrassing about being "tails up" but he figured they could endure the
indignity of it all if they could get a make-over and the three of them
walk away looking a bit more like normal ferrets.
"And Mz SaraFerret" the mink salon operator cooed at her, "because your
tootsies are still so cold, I want you to soak them in this warm solution
and we will throw in a pedicure for the three of you on the house."
The salon was so warm and cozy, soft dooking and chattering music was
playing in the background, the three of them were tired from the ski
slope, and it just felt so relaxing to lay back and let someone else
take care of you.  "I be walking away from here one handsome fewet"
Muldoone muttered to himself as he was drifting off to sleep.
Next thing the three ferrets knew, they were being jolted out of a sound
sleep to the sound of a ferret shrieking at the top of their lungs.
Muldoone opened his eyes to see Nanna standing there glaring her best
glare stare at all three of them.  One glance at her expression and the
smoke trickling out both her ears told Muldoone something was not just
exactly right.
"Muldoone, I think you had better tell me what is going on here" Nanna
demanded of him.  "I don't think I have ever seen such a sight in all my
life!!" she told him.
"Uh, uh, hi Nanna" Mully stammered, we be getting a makes-over;
SandeeFerret getting her tail fixted, SaraFerret getting some fur, and
me, I no longer has hammy-head-hair" Muldoone told his boss.
"Oh you are right about that Muldoone, you no longer have
hammy-head-hair" Nanna hissed at him.  "What I want to know is, who is
responsibLE for this mess" Nanna demanded to know.
The lights in the salon had been dimmed a bit and it made it a little
difficult to see but on the other side of the large room stood a huge
Christmas tree complete with decorations of every kind BUT dancing around
the tree were what appeared to be three heavily intoxicated reindeer.
They were dancing, laughing, hooting, giving one another high-twos...
reindeer don't have enough digits to give one another high-fives.
Nanna went stomping over to the reindeer demanding to know who was
responsible for the "make-overs" done on Muldoone, SaraFerret, and
One of the reindeer introduced himself as Morris and he must have not
been the brightest chap in Santa's stable.  He bent down to be more on
Nanna's level and he smiled and asked her if she was there for her
make-over as the other two reindeer snickered and giggled.  Poor Morris
never saw it coming, Nanna stretched that reindeer out in the floor with
one punch right between his little reindeer eyes.
Whirling back around to confront Muldoone SandeeFerret, and SaraFerret,
she shrieked at the three of them, "Have you seen yourselves?"
"Uh no Nanna, dey not let us look, dey say dey wants it to be a surprise"
Muldoone explained to his boss.
"Well then I suggest the three of you get a look at yourselves and you
will see why they didn't want you to see what they were doing" Nanna told
About that time one of the other reindeer came prancing over and
introduced himself as Slim.  "I don't see what you are getting so huffy
about Mz Nanna, I think they look fine and it just so happens the
make-overs we gave them is all the rage at the North Pole."
Nanna whirled back around on the reindeer Slim and he immediately began
backing up while glancing over at his buddy Morris still stretched out in
the floor and their other friend Charlie trying to bring him around.  "I
don't care what you do at the North Pole, this is the Rainbow Bridge and
this is not going to work."
"SandeeFerret, SaraFerret, Muldoone, front and center, let me get a look
at the three of you so I can see what we will have to do to fix this."
Sandee and Sara both scrambled to their feet pronto but when Mully tried
to get up he found he was tied to something.  It felt as his head was
attached to some object and he couldn't get out of the chair.  When he
reached up with a paw to feel, he felt a cord of some sort running from
his head.  "Nanna, I needs help, I no can gets up" Muldoone told his
"Muldoone, you need help alright but with more than just getting up"
Nanna scolded him.
SaraFerret and SandeeFerret couldn't bring themselves to look at one
another, they just stood staring at the floor, something told them they
were in big trouble and when Mully looked at them he could not believe
his eyes.  No wonder the reindeer were giggling!  While standing at
attention for Nanna's inspection SaraFerret realized she felt toasty warm
for the first time in a long time and wondered how that was possible.
She dared to glance down at her feet and she saw red and white fur on her
feet, L O N G fluffy red and white fur on her feet and she had to wonder
where the heck that came from.  Sandee felt something very different
about her tail, she was not sure but she knew something was different
about it but had not been brave enough to look and see.  Sneaking glances
around the room, she was very puzzled to see bird feathers scattered
about... But worst of all was when they got a look at Muldoone; neither
ferret was sure whether to laugh or cry for their friend.  Those
punch-drunk reindeer had done one wicked make-over on Muldoone!!
Seeing his two friends Sara and Sandee looking at him with their eyes big
and round he had to ask, "well how dooes I wook?"
At that moment one of the reindeer flipped a switch somewhere and then
all that could be heard in the salon was howls of laughter coming from
the three of them as they danced around the Christmas tree.
The sight of the punch-drunk renegade reindeer was too much for Nanna not
to mention what they had done to her junior Bridge greeter.  She let out
a blood curdling shriek rushing at them.  Nanna was screaming at them,
lunging, and biting and when you stop to think about it must have looked
pretty funny, how high up can a ferret bite a reindeer?  Chew them off at
the ankles?
SaraFerret and SandeeFerret rushed to Muldoone's chair, scrambled up into
his lap, leaped onto the counter and each grabbed a corner of the black
cloth that covered the mirror, then whirled him around in the chair so he
could see himself.  Poor Mully didn't know what to say, all he could do
what sit there staring with his mouth hanging open.  In the meanwhile,
Sandee and Sara got a good look at themselves and what the reindeer had
SaraFerret had new fur alright but what the renegade reindeer didn't tell
her was exactly where they were going to get the fur for her make-over.
A red and white long-haired guinea pig had been there earlier for a cut
and style.  The punch-drunk trio had glued the guinea pig fur on to poor
SaraFerret covering her baldness.  In theory, the idea was great but NO
ONE had ever seen a ferret with long, wavy red and white hair!
And SandeeFerret; she now had covering on her tail, her tail was nolonger
sparse from the nasty tail braiding incident that went horribly wrong.
Oh no!!  Her tail was covered.... IN BIRD FEATHERS!!!
But the worst was Muldoone.  He had come for a make-over to fix his
hammy-head-hair and true he no longer had hammy-head-hair, he looked more
like he had a Christmas tree growing out of the top of his head.  The
make-over artists had collected hair from who knows where and gave him
a hair weave.  He now had hair that stood up about 12 inches and they
had spray-painted it half red and half green and then they had woven
twinkling Christmas tree lights all through his fur.  No wonder they had
howled with laughter when they flipped the switch, the switch was to
turn on the twinkling lights.
Mully was starting to get worried, he had never seen Nanna so mad.  She
was madder than the time the tractor got stuck on the Rainbow Bridge.
Whirling around to give the reindeer another go at it, they were no
where to be found, they have ran for their lives with good cause.  Nanna
decided right then and there she would be having a talk with Santa and
realizing it was a busy time at the North Pole, he must keep closer check
on his renegades and make sure they didn't get a chance to pull another
stunt like this ever again.
"Sandee, Sara, help me" Nanna told them, "we will get the lights out of
Muldoone's fur and then we will deal with your make-overs."
What seemed like hours later, they finally got the last of the twinkling
light out of Mully's fur, Nanna found scissors and she trimmed all the
hair extensions back to a reasonable length and then instructed her
junior Bridge greeter to wear his cap at all times and don't take it
off for any reason.
Next was to remove the feathers from Sandee's tail which was not easy,
they were not only woven together but they were glued on so Nanna,
Muldoone, and Sara quickly began the process of "de-feathering
SandeeFerret's tail.
Next came SaraFerret and trying to figure out how to best tackle her
"unique" make-over.  Nanna managed to figure out how to work the clippers
and while Sara endured the indignity of it all, she allowed herself to be
buzzed off.  Even though the color was all wrong, she had enjoyed having
fur again even for a little while.
Nanna lined the three ferrets up and was giving them another "what for"
asking for the one hundredth time "how could you let this happen, don't
you know not to trust renegade reindeer at Christmas time?"
"Nanna" began Muldoone, "we not knos, we onliest want to fixes
Glaring at the three of them, Nanna drew in a long breath.  Mully knew
it would be a long time before his boss forgot this one.
"Sara, Sandee, Muldoone, I want you to listen to me.  The three of you
look the way you do because that is how the Boss wants you to look.
Sara, for whatever reason, the Boss has decided you don't need fur, that
is why you were not given new fur when you arrived at the Rainbow Bridge.
Sandee, there was nothing wrong with your tail so when you went for the
tail make-over and it all went bad, you have no one to blame but
yourself.  You were just as the Boss wanted you to be BEFORE you got the
idea to spruce it up.  And Muldoone...... no one knows what the reason
is for your hammy-head-hair.  I have talked to the Boss about it and
when I ask Him when He is going to fix it, He only smiles.  Apparently
you are suppose to have hammy-head-hair.  The three of you are very
special ferrets and you look just as you are suppose to look.  Outward
appearances are not important, the Boss looked into each of your hearts
and He saw what was there and that is what makes you special and that is
why you were given the jobs you have.
A long long time ago an event took place and we continue to celebrate
that event every year at this time.  That event resulted in the greatest
gift that could be given to the world yet the gift came with no fan fair,
no fancy coverings or bows, it was what was on the inside that made it
special.  Stop trying to change yourselves to what everyone else sees,
let them see what in on the inside, let them see what is pure and true
and that is what is in each of your hearts.  That is your gift to the
rest of all that reside at the Rainbow Bridge."
At the close of the day and the ferrets had broken up into their own
little groups talking among themselves as they each reflected on the
meaning of the day.  Each ferret looked at the picture they had of their
loved ones tucked away in their hearts and they whispered their love to
their familiees on earth.
SandeeFerret, SaraFerret, and Muldoone
Caring for your ferrets at the Rainbow Bridge.
Muldoone and Muldoone Enterprises (c) 2005.  All rights reserved.
Reproduction without permission is prohibited.
[Posted in FML issue 5102]