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Tue, 13 Dec 2005 05:04:05 -0800
Robin JOnes <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
I have had a couple of emails from people asking me what we in CA were
going to do when 24 Carat Shelter closes in La Vegas, since they take
a good many of our rescued ferrets.  CJ being CJ has taken care of us
again.  Even though she is technically closed she is still talking our
ferrets (God bless her soul).  But she has also made arrangements with
a very kind lady that will help when CJ moves.
I am grateful to CJ for all she has done for CA rescue.  I can't even
start to tell you how invaluable she has been.  Part of my heart breaks
that she is closing and moving, But another part of me is thrilled for
her.  I have seen personally her dedication to ferrets.  I have cried
many a tear with her.  AND had a lot of laughs too!  (Go Roady).  I wish
CJ well in her move and her new life.  She deserves to have a life of
her own too.
I am deeply disturbed to hear in CJ's post that she has gotten some
negative emails.  This isn't necessary.  As grandma used to say.  "If
you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all".
Cj, you have been a blessing to us here in CA and to a lot of ferrets
(and various other critters along the way).  Thank you, thank, you thank
you for all those middle of the night runs across the border (even in a
blizzard), and for thinking of the ferrets first.
God speed in your new life, you surely do deserve it.
I love you girl!
[Posted in FML issue 5091]