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Sat, 29 Oct 2005 05:58:32 -0400
Andy & Ziggy <[log in to unmask]>
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Master Largo's News
November 2005 News
Reporter Andy
Cub-reporter Ziggy
Andy here:       Hey Ziggy wasn't grape festival weekend fun?
Ziggy here:      Andy why do you say that?
Andy here: Well Ziggy because we had so many shelter friends come to
visit us, Miss Donna, Miss Vicki and Beku's far away mom and dad, they
came to see Beku and the new kid, what's her name?
Ziggy here: Her name is Cleopatra she is only 4 mo.  old she came in on
9-24.  She is a little Champaign girl with a white face.  That is why mum
is working so hard with others to get the laws changed with the USDA.
Mum says 4 mo.  old in a shelter already is a tragedy.  So if you want to
help mum and all the other people change some laws to help us fur kids
this is where you go and what you do.  The deadline to get your letters
in to help all our cousins is Nov. 18th 2005 so please please take a
moment to write!
Go to   http://www.regulations.gov/
Under the Agency popup menu, select Animal and Plant Health Inspection
In the Keyword box, enter ferret.
Click Submit.
This will bring up a list including the original Docket APHIS-2005-0063.
Click on the Docket ID in the first column to see the current list of
comments.  The last column contains an Add Comments button, which will
bring up the comment submission form.
Ziggy here: Andy I have been thinking;
Andy here: What?  You think?  You're kidding right?  You do not know how
to think; you just jump in and say things all the time without thinking,
so what's up with the thinking stuff?
Ziggy here: I have been thinking that I don't want to be cub-reporter
any more?
Andy here: ooooo weeee !Now I know you are not feeling well you do not
want to be cub-reporter anymore, mum better check you for a fever.
Ziggy here: NO NO NO!  Bird Brain; I mean I want to be senior reporter
just like you not just a cub-reporter!
Andy here: Oh!  Oooohhh!  I thought that was too good to be true; that
you would let me have MY news letter back to myself.  You can't be a
senior reporter you are a girl!
Ziggy here: YOUR NEWS LETTER?  A Girl?  Wait till mum hears what you
said!  She is a girl and she does lots and lots of things boys do!
Anyway; it is Master Largo's News letter and don't you forget it!  WE
are keeping it going for Master Largo and mum.  Any way I am going to
talk to mum and see if I can stop being cub reporter and be a senior
reporter just like you.
Andy here: Bet'cha mum won't!
Ziggy here: Bet'cha she will!
Okay now we have to get on with the news, Miss Donna took that Milo
kid to see our favorite Doc for his last check up on 9-22 this is what
Milo was taken to Doctor Edwards on Thursday AM for X-rays on his pinned
leg.  Donna and mum relayed him.  Mum got him to Miss Donna before mum
had to go to work, then Miss Donna took him the rest of the way to our
favorite Doc Edwards before she had to go to work.  Miss Donna works up
in Rochester so she dropped him off on her way.  Mind you this is going
west to our favorite Doc.  then east to get to work but bless her heart
she helps mum with the running all she can.  Milo loves it because he
gets to go on adventures..  The results of the check up are:
The leg is healed, no need to remove the pins above the knee.  The
hip joint where the ball was broken off the femur has healed with no
impingement.  Mum says the way she understands it, the muscle has grown
around the area to be a make - shift hinge.  Our favorite Doc was pleased
with his progress, gave him a clean bill of health and said he could go
home.  Miss Donna picked him up; Mum went to go get him from Miss Donna's
house.  Milo is all better!  Mum tolds me to thank everyone for all your
love and support of this wonderful little guy.  He is one happy little
Andy here: Hey Ziggy; mum has not made you senior reporter so it is my
turn to do some news butt out and let me do MY job.  HUMP!
Okay here goes, mum asked me to tell you all that we have some changes
here at the shelter, one of them happened about 3 years ago but some of
you don't know it so here is this important news.  Mum's last name is
JOHNSON now, not that icky name she use to have when our poopy dad was
around.  The newest second change is our address, someone was messing
with mums mail so we gots a P.O. Box now, so when you sends us stuff
(any time you want to) put in the address P.O. Box 698 that way we will
get it sooner.
Mum got a call from a nice lady Cyndy that lives in Greece, New York.
She is a founding member of GRASP "Greece residents assisting stray
pets".  Anyway she gots a hold of mum because there was one of our
cousins in the Animal Control facility, she wanted to get him out of
there.  So she called mum to see what she needed to do to care for him.
Mum filled her in, Cyndy said OH MY "I don't think I am equipped to care
for him" can you or a foster family help us?  Yep mum says let me make
some calls.  So now mum has one more job she is the contact person for
GRASP to help ferrets.  Miss Stephanie and Mr Tom, and Miss Kaleigh and
Mr Peter are mums foster families for the organization.  Mum got a
request from another person she does not know so she is working on
getting her set up to foster any fur kids that are picked up from the
AC officer.  NOW here is the most special news.  The kid Miss Kaleigh
went to get from the A.C.  facility is going to stay with Miss Kaleigh
and Mr Peter ( Miss Kaleigh named him) Epifanos he is happy, healthy
and a wonderful big boy.  Our favorite Doc even said so!  With all the
hurricanes going on there has been lots and lots of misplaced fur kids
Miss Susann, Weasie's far away mom, Mina and Ollie's 4-ever mom saved 2
Katrina ferrets she found in a big "all" animal shelter.  Susann tried to
get the people to let her get them out of there but they would not, so
Miss Susann called Danee; then Danee called Renee' then Renee' worked her
magic.  It worked; the ferrets are out and safe with ferret knowledgeable
humans... Thanks Susann for saving some of our cousins.
If you want, you can read about the trip -- and get some tips on how to
save animals in future disasters -- here:
Oh Yeah that stinky boy Brave Heart has been whining that he is not
getting no attention any more, he does not get to go on adventures any
more either!  His far away families take wonderful care of him but now
that he is better he gets no special attention and adventures.
Ziggy here: Stop it!  be nice!  It is not stinky boy it is doll face
remember?  Miss angie gaved him that name because he is a special boy.
He is doing so so good.  He and pinky are wonderful play friends.  He is
getting attention just not any extra attention from far away people like
he was.  He has 2 far away families.
Andy here: Fine what ever.  Mum had to go stay with our great grandma on
the 15th there are 5 grand kids and they are taking turns staying over
night with great grandma until our grandma's house is sold.  Bemember our
grandma went to Rainbow Bridge?  I wonder if she is visiting with Master
Largo and Mr. Bones.  Anyway Miss Stacie camed to stay with us over night
so we would not be alone.  When mum was coming home Sunday morning 7 am
her van broked, it left her sitting on inner state 390.  Because Miss
Dana gaved mum a cell phone cuz mums van is old mum had a way to get
help.  Mums sis came to get her off 390, took her to Miss Donna, Miss
Donna took mum to Naples, Mum called triple AAA, (Thanks Miss Donna)
Miss Stacie took mum back to her van so the tow truck could come get it.
Mum did not get home till noon that day.  Thanks everyone for saving our
mum and getting her home to us!
Mum took her store off ebay because ebay was telling people mum was
stealing there money and doing bad things.  If you want the whole story
it is on our web site on the Katrina shirt page.  She says she does not
need to pay people for ruining her reputation, so she is doing her web
site only.  There is lots of new shirt designs there www.ferretfarm.org
Miss Sue from IL.  And Miss Jennie from England has done some wonderful
new things for mum and our store.  Mum went to our Aunt Rets house a
couple of weeks ago; she took Aunt Ret the chine that makes the shirts
for the store, along with the shirts and transfers Miss Sue makes for
mum.  We are back in business.  Thanks Aunt Ret for taking that job over
for our Grandma that is gone.  That day mum was there Bandit's far away
mom Kay sent her Bandit a Halloween BOO BAG with lots and lots of goodies
in it.
Ziggy here: Andy it is my turn to tell some news!
Andy here: No it's not!
Ziggy here: MUM it is MY turn tell Andy it is my turn!
Mum here: That is enough you two!  Stop fighting and get on with the
news, or I will fire you both and give the job so someone that wants to
Ziggy here: See tolds ya.  Okay!  Talledo girls are here again at camp,
we have long term boarders here too, 4 of them they are crazy crazy fur
kids.  we gots a new kid in on 10-20 she is/was a reeeaaaal biter.  She
was not a happy kid.  her humans had her living in cedar shavings and
dirty stuff.  Mum only got bited once real bad but once possum (that is
her name) found out mum was not going to put her in that awful stinky
stuff and make her eat out of dirty dishes she got better.  Now she plays
with mum and talks to mum.  She is a happy little girl now.  For now She
is staying up stairs in the sick pen with mum till she see's our favorite
The weekend of 10-22 and 10-23 there was the forum at the fort in
Colorado, Put on by the international ferret congress.  Here is a link
to the pictures taken during the weekend.
The pictures were taken by Judy Cooke, Linda Iroff and Marylou Zabock,
there may be more pictures taken by others but we don't knows who they
are so go take a look the names should be there.  They are great pictures
thanks Ladies for letting us send the link out.  Sunday they attendees of
the forum got to tour the black footed ferret facility .
Andy here: Okay Ziggy my turn.  Mum has had us all here 11 yrs last
month.  Every now and again someone new will get into something mum did
not or has not ferret proofed, well that Pluto kid did just that
yesterday!!!  Mum had the Disney crew in the down stairs bathroom play
area.  Mickey, Minnie and Pluto.  Mum was going to move them to the next
play area but could not find that Pluto.  So she gets Mickey and Minnie
moved and goes into the bathroom to see where he is.  WELL!!!!  We have a
old fashioned real pedestal sink in there, Pluto decided he was going to
get into the pedestal part where the pipes come up to make water.  Mom
gots him out, he was not hurt, and she then got it fixed so NO BODY can
do that ever again.  Mum says we are never ever completely ferret proof
because there is going to be some place that someone is going to find to
get into.  Okay mum says we have done enough news for this month so we
are going to go.  We have a Halloween special shirt on our web go check
it out!
Until Next Month;
Andy Senior reporter
Love and trouble
Ziggy from New York
International Ferret Congress Vendor Coordinator
Click Here to visit our shelter store
Don't have time for a ferret of your own?  You can sponsor one of our fur
There are new faces at the shelter go take at look at kids looking for
new homes.
Andy-cub reporter, shelter kids, & oh yeah mum too!
Petfinder Page
Shelter Video
[Posted in FML issue 5046]