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Wed, 7 Sep 2005 18:05:29 -0400
reagan rodney <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (25 lines)
I didn't catch the original email, but saw the responses to this.
>Someone mentioned yesterday with all that is going on, that the Judging
>emails are silly.  Well, personally with the dead and dying humans......
>mothers, fathers, grandparents, and babies.......I think it is a little
>silly to be thinking about animals and sending bedding.  Shouldn't we be
>helping the pet owners first?  Seems to me a human life should have a
>bit more value then an animal's life.  Don't get me wrong, I love my
>animals and would do anything in my power to save them.  But their are
>alot of humans that are suffering and that need our help also, consider
>helping them also.
Why?  Because animals don't have voices.  They can't bang on the roof to
let the helicopters know that they are inside and need help.  They can't
say that they are hungry or thirsty.  They can't say that they feel bad
or are sad because they've lost family.  That's why.  And a life is a
life, whether it is a human or a dog, no matter that some people place
different values on different types of life.  I argue for just the
opposite, I say that with all of the media focused on helping the humans
(and I am very greatful for that), we should get more attention on
helping the animals that were left behind that might still be alive.
Reagan and furkids
[Posted in FML issue 4994]