1. I clean up their accidents and don't ask who did it.
2. I don't investigate said "accidents" to see if they are indeed
3. I give lots of snuggles, but know when it's time to put them down.
They're so busy afterall!
4. I dole out the ferretone daily
5. I never sit or step on unsuspecting lumps in the carpet, blanket,
6. I scritch that "feels so good" area on their neck
7. I make mushy duck soup (ok, only 2 out of 3 ferrets are happy about
8. I finally broke the "cage habit" and let them safely free-roam (in a
small condo!)
9. I buy Cheerios
10. I consider their nibble bites as affectionate "grooming".
10 Things my ferrets don't like about me
I clean their ears
I put them through long car rides to the vet
I can't stop kissing them once I start
I sniff and nuzzle their
[Posted in FML issue 4977]