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Sat, 14 Jan 2006 21:30:49 EST
Mary Frerich-Kulesa <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
******** VENT TIME ********
Even though there are those out there that say we are collectors, we are
NOT!  We provide the very best for those kids that have been rescued by
us, in every way.
We lost 6 ferrets this past summer and because of people taking things I'
posted to this site to others who do not belong to it, I didn't post the
passing of most of them.  Am I angry about this?  YES!, I am.  The person
who has done this, CANNOT realize the damage they have done, the pain
they have caused, and how much distrust we have for them now, and the
person that they took my posts to, instead of contacting me directly
about my post.
I am not venting to start a war, but I've lived with this for over a year
and every time I see someone singing this person's praise, I have to
wonder just how much she cares for ferrets, their owners, or rescuers,
her actions speaks volumes.
Personally, I have no intention of ever going out of my way to speak to
them in person, or mail, they knows who they are, and I hope and pray
that God will allow me to put this person's actions behind me and trust
other ferret owners again, but for right now, I trust very few ferret
people I meet.  For me, rescuing ferrets has been a blessing, its not a
job, its a God sent calling.
If I offend anyone with this mail, please forgive me, I just needed to
vent as it has been tearing me upside for almost a year and a half.  I
don't do confrontations very well, and normally find I can let things
go, and with this I hope it will be gone.
Please keep your responses to this email private to me, as I don't wish
anyone else to get hurt by someone's actions or words.  Please don't ask
who this person is who did this, who has made me feel a serious betrayal
has been done, I will not say.
[Posted in FML issue 5123]