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Wed, 14 Dec 2005 22:32:13 EST
"Caryn K. Heffner" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
Please take a moment to check out these unique ornaments.  They were
actually made by a very special shelter ferret, Murphy, who just lost
his long battle with advanced insulinoma this past Monday.
Murphy came into the shelter already suffering from both adrenal disease
and advanced insulinoma.  His seizures were frequent and severe.  Through
enormous amounts of love and care he was stabilized and eventually was
able to endure the surgery he so desperately needed.  Unfortunately for
Murphy, his former owners let the disease progress to the point of no
return.  The tumor that was removed was the largest the vet has ever
seen, and she has seen 100's of tumors.  It was so large and encompassed
so much of his abdomen that she was unable to remove the entire tumor.
Murphy came through the surgery and for a couple of months did well....
then the seizures returned.  For the last month or so Murphy continued to
fight.  This past Monday he told his shelter mom that he had done all he
could, it was time to go.  It was with a heavy heart that she helped him
to cross the bridge.  Murphy was the sweetest boy, always waiting to give
you a kiss.  Even if you were injecting him with fluids or forcing meds
into him.  You looked into his eyes and saw straight through to his soul
and there was nothing but kindness there.
Please help honor his memory, hang a Murphy ornament on your tree.  He
tried so hard to make it till Christmas, by hanging his artwork on your
tree it almost seems like he has.  Let Murphy remind you of the true
spirit of Christmas....love and compassion for all things big and small.
The funds raised by the sale of these ornaments will help to pay for the
vet care that Murphy received at the Horsham Vet.
Thank you all for your time.  Happy holidays to you!
[Posted in FML issue 5092]