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Wed, 7 Dec 2005 07:47:13 -0500
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December 2005
Reporter Andy
Ziggy Reporter of a higher order
Hey bone head; it is Merry Christmas or in your simple mind MERRY MERRY
What?  Where did that come from?  Did you guys hear that?
Up here silly!
Where?  I know that Ziggy Girl has gone to the bridge so where is that
coming from?  I don'ts see anyone.  Can you guys hear that?
HEY YOU!  UP HERE!!!!!  HA!  You thought you got rid of me!  NOT SO!!!!!
I may be at the bridge but I am at the bridge as reporter of higher
order.  I just wanted you to know I am watching you, so you best behave,
not complain and when you get another cub reporter (you will you know)
you allow that reporter to do the job.  If mum is smart she will hire
another girl so you do not get too big for your britches!!!!
AWE Man!  I thought for sure I was going to get to do the news ALL BY
MYSELF!  She is gonna be a pain in my butt even being at Rainbow Bridge!
Maybe if I ignore her she will go away.
The Humans are going to think you have gone bonkers they can not hear me
MR.  Only YOU can hear me.  Now get on with the news.
I better do the news.  On 10-30-05 Miss Morgan, Miss Vicki, Miss Nichole
came to help at the shelter.  They sure got lots done that day.
Miss Ziggy left for Rainbow Bridge on 11-04.  Ziggy gots real sick.  Miss
Nichole tooks her to the hospital to see our favorite Doc.  Our favorite
Doc could not fix her.
Mr. Dale camed to help mum fix her computer but he could not get it fixed
because mum puter would not ghost.  What ever that means.
Cleopatra and Weasie left for a new 4-ever home 11-2-05.  Miss Jill tooks
them to our favorite Doc for update on shots so they could go.
Clover Shamrock and Sam left for a new 4-ever home 11-27-05.
We had lots of help and new faces that came that day too.  Miss Nichole
and Mr. Mike brought mum the little green jelly bean to use again,
because mums van died.  Mums van fix it man tolds her there is NO MORE
fixing to it.  So mum used Miss Donna's car over the Turkey day week.
Whooooo Weeee!  That is some spiffy car.  Thanks Miss Donna.  Then the
Sunday after Turkey day the little green jelly bean got here for mum to
use.  Mum is not sure what she is going to do about getting a van.  She
just put it in her God Box..  She said if it is food for us or van for
her it is going to be food..  Good thing because I would be going on
strike if mum was not going to feed me!!!
Miss Vicky came to spend the day with us on Turkey day.  My cousin's
dad turned in to a POOPY dad just like ours did, so mum had Miss Vicki
come hang out with us.  We had Turkey day food mum could eat.  Mum even
made a plate for old lady Kay and took it up to her in the afternoon.
Mum has and is moving her stuffs to www.kwickbid.com she is going to open
her store there for you guys to see.  There have been some glitches but
between Mr. Harry and Mr. Bryan, she thinks things are fixed now.  She
is going to start working on getting that done.  Miss Susann, Mina and
Ollie's mom went to NOLA again.  Here is the link if you want to know
what happened then second time around.  She sure is a good helper to the
kids that got caught in Katrina http://www.arete-communications.com
Miss Erin made really cool name tags for Stewart, Peanut and Butter's
Miss Sandee, sent word that Miss Ziggy made it to the bridge.  Imagine my
surprise having her show up here in the news.  If she thinks she is going
to pop in any old time she wants she has another think coming!!  She says
she is reporter of a higher order, I heard she was with the underground
for the FLO.  No matter she is out of my fur.  Now all I need to do is
convince mum I do not need help with this news.  I do not need a cub
reporter.  You guys want to let mum know I do not need help doing the
news?  She may listen to you.  Come on you guys email her tell her I can
do the news all by myself.
Bandit III left for the bridge on 12-01-05 then Miss Spice left on
Mum has been doing lots of crying these days.  Bandit III was 7yrs old
had insulinoma.  Spice had cancer in her tummy that broke.  Our Christmas
packages are starting to come in.  Man we sure are lucky kids.  Well I
guess that is all the news for now.  Until next month, have Merry Merry
Until Next Month;
Andy Senior reporter
The Giving Tree http://www.mkaresq.com/ShelterFerretsGivingTree.htm
Christmas For The Shelter Kids
International Ferret Congress Vendor Coordinator
IGive Fund Raiser for Lakeroad Ferret Farm
Lakeroad Ferret Farm KwickBid Store
Don't have time for a ferret of your own?  You can sponsor one of our fur
There are new faces at the shelter go take at look at kids looking for
new homes.
Andy-cub reporter, shelter kids, & oh yeah mum too!
Petfinder Page
Shelter Video
[Posted in FML issue 5085]