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Thu, 3 Nov 2005 00:58:53 -0500
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Oh wowsie.  Sandee was supposed to be on duty when the notice of a doggie
crossing our sides of de bridge.  As luck would have it, Sandee once
again had an appt with the hairdresser to have her tail braided.  She
keeps trying to talk me into it.  But nope, I feel so fortunate having a
bushy tail that I wont dress it at all except brushing it and checking it
for little pieces of cloud or grass.
Well backs to de subject.  I was waits with trepidation (dictionary
again-- I is really trying to brush up my hooman speeches.  I recalls dat
my hoomanmommy showed me pictures of big chow dogs, but dey didnt scare
me as sometimes my earth Daddy would let the big 150 dog in de house.  Us
ferrets would never be out and dere was 10 of us den.  Well, I is waiting
for dis black chow and waiting and waiting, WHEN ALL OF SUDDEN!  Dis
gigantic ferret proceeded to cross de bridge.  I mean dis ferret was dog
big.  I wonders if dat could be de Chow Orion.  Nifty costume except it
wasnt done right.  Mischief and I were laughing and laughing until de
Boss came by and told us we were naughty ferrets as we should never laugh
at others.  We apologizes quickly--Neither of us want isolation with only
kibbles and water.  I love my pepsis and sweet ice tea too much.  I tink
de Boss was kinda laughing inside HIMSELF at the sight.  HE says well if
someone wants to cross here as a ferret we are going to make a big
decision.  I decree dat he shall be a ferret but not wear de costume and
can chase rabbits only wit de rabbit's permission--no hurting bunnies
only play chasing.  Well de poor Chow was trying desperately to cross and
Mischief ran over to him with me in hot pursuit to rescue poor Orion--he
had flipped over and was hanging on de bridge by his feets.  We finally
got him upright and aimed him across de bridge.  When we gots dere we
asks Orion to take off de costume as we would accepts him as an honorary
ferret.  He seemed relieved as he wasnt a big mean dog just a sweet
gentle creature like most of us furries.
So Off with de costume--we will keeps it displayed in de museum where
other strange things are kept.  And we trots over to de wings and halos
house.  Ferrets shrieked and ran everywhere except one older lady furry
who never let anything bother her.  She said well hmmm--big doggie
size--donts tink we have anyting to fix for you yet.  So she measures
him and runs back to de wing machine and befor you knows it--on big set
of wings sort of pink with lavender and blue highlights--it is really
prettier den de description.  Some boy furries volunteered to twy de
wings on him--as us ladies are very shy about exposing ourselves.  But
de boys finally got dem fix on him and got a big-size halo and of course
a big blanket to match.  No hammock as doggies dont like hammies but he
adored his scented blanket very nice I might add.  I tells him we are
gonna take a trot around our part of de bridge and see what was
happening-well word has traveled fast-us ferrets are such chatterboxes
dat dere are no secrets here.  Dey all were patiently waiting to meet
him.  Mischief was so proud to introduce him to de others but den a
thought crossed my mind and Mischief's mind at de same time--Mischief
wanted him with him but where-and lo and behold we spotted a beautiful
den right by de kibble garage--perfect for a small furry and one big dog.
Dere were a couple of bunnies around--dey wander over occasionally to
visit wit de ferrets.  I talked to one of dem about Orion's hobby and dey
agreed, so I had ORion politely ask for permission to chase-no hard chase
just a nice romp and afterwards treats.  Oh wowsie dey said dat might be
good, we are getting a big too chubby and a short run might help, as long
as he is nice.  Orion was so happy he took off flying and oopsey he went
into a tailspin and bonked on a cloud.  Hey Orion, de boy ferrets plan to
give you flying lessons tomorrow, best not try it on your own as trust me
it can be a bit embarrasing for you.  He agrees and apparently a group of
bunnies and furries had been at work gettin dere house ready and when he
finally saw it he gots big doggie tears inside his eyes.  Mischief hooked
up her hammock and we had some pepsi and crackers wit real squirt cheese
on dem.  Wowsie dis is bliss.  I left dem to demselves but last I heart
Orion had rounded up two bunnies and I saw dem in de distance running
sort of (LOL) He looks much better den he did dressed in dat big Ferret
costume.  Oh yes another ting he sent a big sloppy kiss to you--about
the time you read this you will feel his big kiss
Love, dooks, barks
[Posted in FML issue 5050]