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Sun, 9 Oct 2005 19:31:27 -0500
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Hi all, dis is SaraFerret.  Wowsie have we been running our paws off
here.  Must've been some sort of ferrety epizootal type thingy happening
on earth--lots of fuzzies pass over de bwidge.  Sowwy for de delay--but
we has been so busy.
Mommy Sandi, your Lil Man cwossed over her a few days ago and was gweeted
by me and his business dat had made it here.  I saw this beautiful silver
mitt hesitate at de beginning of his bwidge cwossing and I and his
fuzzies were cheering him on to make it across.  He kept looking back
and putting one paw at a time on de bridge and then drawing it back.
Now I am not sposed to go anymore than halfway, but I just knew he was
uneasy about de crossing--who would be--dat bridge does sway a bit
especially from all de ferrets who have been crossing lately.  But I
decided I would take de chance and wait for de Boss to talk to me later.
So I hops onto de bridge--wowsie was it swaying.  And I kept walking
toward Lil Man and he sure was a pretty ferret.  I kept telling him
to come on it was ok--see I can walk on it.  Now I knows what he was
thinking.  Here is this furless wonder wit a bushy tail--what in blazes
is that?  I mind read on my days off.  But finally I edged closer to him
and he could just see I was a naked ferret--with my goofy hat and camo
clothes.  I tells him I am SaraFerret-one of the greeters at de Rainbow
Bridge.  Then he smiled big and said Oh my mommy said dere would be
gweeters here and she mentioned your name.  (I was kinda nervous as I
hasnt been dat far toward the other end since I came across myself.  So I
offers to help him cross.  He said no, no milady I am old but I can dance
wit de best of dem.  So I crossed de bridge ahead of him and waited for
him.  Then surprise surprise, he wardanced the whole way swaying bridge
and all and den he proceeded to get us all in a big wardance for what
seems like an hour.  He tells me in between dancing dat he didnt know
where he was and dat de bridge scared him, but when he saw me, he laughed
and laughed.  I was thinking--Gee thanks, I can serve as a clown also in
addition to being a greeter.  He said I was so pretty (I knows he was
just being nice as he had seen a tear drop from the corner of my eye).
But he told me that he was charmed to meet me and he was glad he had made
it here.  He says he knew he had been on earth a long time, but this was
really his home now.  He says I am so worried about Mommy Sandi, she was
crying and crying when I last saw her.  She had just lost two others of
our business earlier and this just tore her up.  But I told him that
Tigger and Kit were here and then he glanced at the group and saw them.
He had been too busy wardancing to see them before.  Then we wardanced
again.  Dis has gots to be de danciest group yet.
I told Lil Man to come wit me so he could see his mommy and we trotted
over to de famous reflecting pool and he kept lookin in it until I got it
to focus right and he could see his human mommy and he threw kisses at
her but I tells him dat some time in the future his hooman will join him
and we will all meet our hoomans at de Bridge and he cheered up and
danced again.  I asks him if he would like a mini tour of de place and he
says sure.  So off we all went first to de Kibble Garage and de young
kits and older guys were checking out de latest vehicles for touring de
clouds and then he saw a bunch of ferrets just take off and fly like
birds and he looks at me and says how do they do that.  Oops I tells
him--I just plain forgot-and we hustled back to de Kit Wearhouse to fit
him with a pair of wings and to sign him up for flying lessons.  I need
lessons he said--Yep I replys otherwise you might have a wreck.  Oh ok he
replied and he was fitted for wings and halo and of course the new silver
hammie and Tigger and Kit and de rest of his group trotted off to dere
beautiful home just west of de garage near the otters mudslide.  He waved
bye-bye to me and said sure you dont want to come.  No thanks anyway I
says.  I was really worn out by all de dancing.  I told them I would join
them tomorrow for the daily groups.
Hugs and dooks and loves
[Posted in FML issue 5026]