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Thu, 6 Oct 2005 21:28:19 +0100
text/plain (57 lines)
Dear All,
All this talk of ferrets in bathrooms and I found myself humming this
and thought I would inflict in on you all.  The original song is by The
English Beat and called Mirror in the Bathroom but these lyrics seem to
fit just as well.....
Ferret in the bathroom
Please don't wee
Oh listen to me now
Listen to my plea
Can I bribe you with some Ferretone
Or bring you some sables
You can watch them dook
Whilst you are eating
Ferret in the bathroom
Nestling in my pants
Every Saturday you see me
Change your hammocks
Find no interest in the
clean bedding
But a thousand other smells
In the bag of poo, poo, poo...
Ferret in the bathroom
You're my ferret in the bathroom
You're my ferret in the bathroom
You're my ferret in the bathroom
Ferret in the bathroom
Hug you tight
For all your dooks
Of happiness
For all the joy
You give me
Fills up my heart with
Happy lo-ove
Ferret in the bathroom
Please feel free
The washing pile
Is yours to bounce
On. Can I bribe you with some Ferretvite
It smears on nicely
Will give you a 'tache
While you are eating
Ferret in the bathroom
Ferret in the bathroom...
Love and dooks,
Susan x
"The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic
hallway where thieves and pimps run free,and good men die like dogs.
There's also a negative side." -Hunter S. Thompson-
[Posted in FML issue 5023]