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Sat, 10 Sep 2005 00:04:23 -0500
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Hi all dis is Ms SaraFerret.  I am subbing for Ms Sandee who is off on
her tail-grooming appt.  She is gonna have her hail braided--must be nice
to have such long tail hair that you can braid it.  I am just grateful
for a bushy tail.
Anyways last week I was subbing for Ms Sandee and a little girl ferret
started across de bridge and she hesitated and then she started
cha-chaing all de way across.  By de time she reached the bridge dere
was a large group ofawed musteys including the blackfooted furs and of
course de wild otters.  They says wowsie what a dancer--we must meet her.
I had to shoo dem off as sometimes a big crowd of strangers might
frighten a new little girl.  So they went a tiny ways off.  I bounced
over to her and dooked my intro to her and she says how did you know my
name and I said cause I was one of the bridge greeters and dat Ms Sandee
was supposed to greet her etc.
Den she asked why are all dose funny looking I think ferrets looking at
me.  I tells her dat dey were our wild cousins, de black-footed ferrets
and the otters.  She seemed interested in them, I tells her also dat
they were very impressed by her dance.  I was impressed also.
She seemed real brave-acting but den, all of a sudden!  A big tear
sneaked out of de corner of her eye.  I led her off to a corner where
de others could see her and she just crawled into my arms and wept big
sobs -- I am so worried about Mommy Lisa-what is going to happen to
her -- she will be broken hearted when she finds me gone.  I tells her
gently that her Mommy had contacted us and told us she would be coming
and dat comforted her a bit.  Den she looks at me wit de biggest eyes I
have ever seen on a girl ferret and said who is gonna be my mommy until
my mommy Lisa comes and den she said Will you be my temp mommy.
What could I say--I got tears in my eyes remembering how hard my hooman
had cried when I left and how much I cried.  I told her dat I would be
honored to be her temp mommy.  And den we wiped away our tears and went
to see the group.  Dose boys were doing everything including handstands
to get beautiful Saha's attention.  Dose guys are such clowns.  I tells
all of dem dat we have some business and could we get together later
after the wing fitting, etc.  Nope they dooked-we wanna see her new
wings.  And den Freddie Otter, one of the usually most wild otter came
shyly up to her and said Ms Sasha--I know where dere are a special set of
wings for a beautiful young lady to wear--I made dem and I knew you were
de one dat would wear dem wit pride.  She gulped and said she would be
honored and den good ole Freddie literally flew over to his digs and was
back in a flashed wit de wings and halo and hammie all wrapped up in gift
paper.  It was not well wrapped but you could see how he put his heart
into it.  So he says Ms Sasha may I help you and Ms SaraFerret put de
wings on you.  She blushed and said well of course and dere dey were the
most beautiful silver wings we had ever seen-jus beautiful and her halo
was just a bit tilted and of course a silver hammie.  A big wowsie isnt
she pretty came from de waiting group.  I could see de beginnings of a
long ferrety/otter friendship beginning.
She told Freddie dat she was gonna be staying wit Ms SaraFerret who was
her temp Mommy until her hooman mommy came and den de boys helped us
carry home the things--hmmm maybe I should say dat Freddie Otter carried
de tings.  He was going to carry her all de way but I told him dere was
plenty of time for all dat.
I asked her if she wanted de grand tour now or later and she says dere's
more here?  Oh lots and lots of tings and she begs off until later and
said she was so tired.  Well all could not handle de tired word and so
we had an instant party wit cookies and honey and ice tea and a bit of
pepsi and war danced for what seemed like hours.  Den I saw Ms Sasha
sound asleep on a pile of blankets in de corner and so I shooshed all
out of de house and told Freddie he would come later de next day.  I was
tired too and so I just grabbed a blanket and laid close to my new foster
furdaughter and den she snuggled close to me in her sleep and put her
little paws around me and we both went off to dreamland.
And so ended another day at de bridge
Love and dooks
[Posted in FML issue 4996]