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Thu, 28 Jul 2005 18:46:04 -0400
Andy & Ziggy <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (179 lines)
                      August 2005 News
                    Master Largo's News
            Reporter Andy       Cub-reporter Ziggy
Ziggy here:
I get to start the news letter this month because Mr. Complainer got us
in a world of ferret poopy with Aunt Ret!  Oh Boy Andy you blew it this
time.  NOW your butt is in real trouble!  I told you if you kept up the
whining, crying, and complaining you were going to get yourself into some
real trouble!  Now look what you have done... Aunt Ret is mad at you!!
This is what Aunt Ret sent mum right after your complaining news letter
last month.
First let me say Andy pants is lying through his sharp little teeth and
out his furry butt!!!!  Aunt Ret most certainly did get him out of that
cozy and love on him several times.... I don't know if you remember the
woman with the two kids, they were holding Andy and he started shaking
very badly, so I scooped him back and put him in the cozy, But I did
love on him several times...You tell him it is not my fault that his
mum had him out before I could get to him in rotations..  LOL and that
it was sooo hot outside he was better off needing to be curled up in his
cozy to keep warm!!!  Your Aunt Ret
Ziggy here: SEE?  SEE?  I told you, you were going to get us all in
poppy if you kept up your complaining!!!  You better tell Aunt Ret
you're sorry for fibbing and complaining!!
Andy here: OH for Pete sake why is it always my fault when something
happens around here?  Just because Aunt Ret says she gots me out does not
mean I got enough out time!  Geeeezzzzze.!!!
RIGHT NOW!  I heared mum say she was going to take the news letter away
from you if you do not start telling the news and stop complaining and
telling fibs.
Andy here: Okay okay!!!  Man!  don't be so bossy!  Aunt Ret I am sorry
for fibben and complaining, I just wanted the humans that read this news
to feel sorry for me so they will come see me and take me out to play
with them... I really did not mean to make you mad at me!  Do you forgive
me?  I know you loved on me when you were here.
I guess it is time to tell some news I will try to be good and not
After the clinic and it being so hot mum and Miss Cathy has been working
on getting the pool open.  Lots of shelter friends' tolds mum if she
would open the pool they would help with the spence so they can come
swim, It was a real mess so it has been lots of work but Miss Cathy has
been here lots & lots helping mum to get it cleaned up.  Mum says you can
see the bottom of the pool now.  But there is a leak some place so Miss
Cathy is going to come see if she can find it.  Mum is just learning how
to take care of the pool.  She is not real good at it either!!  Miss
Cathy says mum does pools the way Miss Cathy does power tools.  Mum is
pretty good with power tools so mum helps Miss Cathy in that department
and Miss Cathy helps mum in the pool department.  Oscar got sick could
not pee so mum had to get him some medicine to help him, Miss Kaleigh
made lots of changes in her day to go get the meds for mum and Oscar
so she could bring them to us.  Oscar was on meds for 2 weeks then had
surgery for adrenal disease.  He is all better now.  Miss Donna tooks
him to doc for surgery and Miss Kaleigh and Mr. Peter brought him home.
Mum took some new kids in from the Fairport shelter (WNYFLFA) that
closed.  They came in as Fluffy and Blackie; on 6-30-05 they are now
ebony and ivory.  Miss Sue gaved us lots of shelter stuffs too!  Then we
had 2 kids come in from Lavonia because a nice lady found one of them out
side on her street.  Then she found the other one a bit later.  A bad
lady in Lavonia New York tossed them out her door and left them to die.
But Meghan the nice lady took them and called mum.  Mum took them guys
too.  They are called Lost and Found.  Miss Stacie, Fred's far away mom
tooks Fred and bandit III to our favorite doc for post surgery check-up.
Fred has a real low B.G.  so he is on soup and meds 2 times a day.
Bandit III is doing well; his B.G.  is good so he only needs soup and no
meds.  Miss Stacie has been bringing mum real food out of her garden,
that mum can eat.  Thanks Miss Stacie, mum is not so cranky when she is
not hungry!!
Ziggy here: Andy save me some news to tell!  I want to tell something
Okay okay hang on, there is lots to tell this month.  Mr. Bob stopped in
to say hi to mum.  You know that Mr. Bob that made the beauteous ferret
carving a couple of years ago to raffle off?  Hi Mr. Bob.
Speedy earned his wings on 7-7-05 he was borned in 1998.  Miss Eileen,
and her family camed to visit and get food for their fur kids.  It was
too hot to bring Genny, Biscuit and Gravy to visit.  There have been lots
of campers, powers kids, Thiel kids, Coco kids.  Oh oh yeah and this new
little chicky, she came to camp first time ever.  Her name is Maci.  I
love that Maci and boy did she give mum a run for her money!  I heard mum
say that she was in more trouble than that Dak girl gets into!!!  She
sure did try mum's patients at times.  Mum and Harry are putting camp
pictures up on web shots if you want to see all the kids that come here.
7-14 Miss Anna A. came to help mum In the shelter for the day.  She did
lots for mum, oh and she went shopping at Lorie's for mum too so she has
food she can eat.
7-15-05 Old lady Kay, that mum helps to take care of pulled her car into
the spot in her driveway that she always parks in, mum says she must have
been in reverse instead of park, because she backed all the way over the
bank into the gully that sits next to her house.  She went down about 25
feet.  She crawled out of the gully to get mum and the ambulance..  She
was taken to Strong hospital.  Old lady Kay, had head, and facial injury,
as well as lacerations to her arms.  Mum went up to Rochester that night
to check on her and take all the portent papers that she keeps for Kay
to the doctors.  Mum got home late, mum had to leave Kay at the hospital
they wanted her there to watch her for the night.  No broken anything!
No major damage to anything... lots of bruises, scrapes and minor
lacerations but she will survive this.  Mum says old lady Kay is going to
out live mum.  She came home on 7-17-05 Mum sure has had some xcitment
this month.  Mum is doing a summer job driving the big yellow thingy 4
days a week.  Mum says she needs to do that because we eat so much.  Is
that true?
Ziggy here: Andy I want my turn!
Andy here: Okay you do the rest there isn't that much left anyway!
Ziggy here: it's about time!  Okay now my turn!  Mr. Peter has a new
job he is leaving for training school to be a cop!  Yeah Mr. Peter
congratulations, way to go!  We had a big storm come through and it took
away our lectric.  There was no one to hook up our generator for us so we
could have the cold air machines going, we still do not have the part
that is needed so mum can just plug it in.  If there is no one around to
hot wire it into out lectric box then we can not use it.  We had no
lectric for 3 1/2 hrs.  Mum was going to work on getting the part for the
generator but she just found out that the pump to make our water safe to
drink is broked and that is going to cost $700.00 to get fixed.  So mum
and Miss Donna are hauling water from work every day so we have safe
drinking water.  Mum has been looking all over to see if she can find a
chemical feeder pump for less money but so far she has not found one.  So
mum is working on getting our drinking water back in our house.  There is
a little boy, his name is Milo he was hurt bad but saved by a lady named
K in Ithaca, she gots him out of a bad, bad home, took him to a special
doctor that can fix broken legs.  Then when he was all patched up, Miss
Nichole went to Cornell Hospital to pick Milo up to bring him to mum.
Miss Nichole says if anyone can help Milo gets better and walk on a leg
that don't works properly our mum sure can... Look at that Stinky Boy
Brave Heart.  OOPS I mean Doll Face Brave Heart.  Mum is getting Milo up
on the web site so he can find a sponsor he is going to need lots and
lots of medical attention for a long long time.  He is eating soup every
couple of hours by mum feeding him with a dropper, he is in the sick pen
staying quiet up in mum's living room so he can get all better!  He has
a pointment with our favorite Doc on Aug 8th to make sure he is healing
properly.  Okay mum says we have to close this news.  Milo's pictures are
here http://community.webshots.com/user/lakeroadshelter
Until Next Month;
Andy Senior reporter
Love and trouble
Ziggy from New York
International Ferret Congress Vendor Coordinator
Lakeroad Ferret Farm E-Bay Store
IGive Fund Raiser for Lakeroad Ferret Farm
To visit the store.
Don't have time for a ferret of your own? You can sponsor one of our fur
There are new faces at the shelter go take at look at kids looking for
new homes.
Andy-cub reporter, shelter kids, & oh yeah mum too!
Petfinder Page
Shelter Video
[Posted in FML issue 4953]