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Sat, 6 Aug 2005 19:59:16 -0500
text/plain (21 lines)
Well - I picked up Sammy yesterday and I'm happy to say he is much
healthier than the pictures make him look.  He's the ferret they found
in a box beside a gas station in Raymore, MO.  He's a bit older and has
catarax in one eye.  He's not a Marshalls and is very gentle - he has
such a pretty face!
He was estatic when I let him out of the carrier last night after his
long journey.  Dooking and playing - he played with Mocca - our fat cat
until he was too tired to play.  He was so exhausted from the excitement
of the past two weeks that he slept most of the day today.
I'm so happy that I have the chance to make the remainder of his life
better.  He will get the attention, care and love that he needs and
deserves.  If I could say one thing to Sammy's previous owner, it would
be - I hope that you are never treated in the way you have treated this
precious critter.  Shame on you.
Tracy and the newest brat member - Sammy
[Posted in FML issue 4962]