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Thu, 13 Oct 2005 23:57:47 -0700
Red Ferrets <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (164 lines)
Dear fellow ferret lovers,
An amazing act of something happened today.  Not really sure where to
This week has been a bit crazy.  We had some emergencies, and took on 7
ill ferrets in the past four days.  One is scheduled for surgery first
thing tomorrow morning, the others are going in for their check ups on
Tuesday... I'm hoping the news won't be as bad as I think it will be.
Anyway, I had a phone call from someone last week wanting to board their
ferrets for a couple of days.  Of course I said yes, this is one of the
few ways I raise money for the shelter vet bill.  I went through my
series of questions and explained my contract (the one that says that
I have the right to take the ferret to the vet, am not responsible if
something happens, and they will reimburse me along with the payment of
the boarding fees).  Everything seemed like it would go smoothly.
I forgot all about the boarding due to the seven ill ones coming in, and
have been overwhelmed with everything going on.  I had one already at the
vets in hopes we could buy him a little quality time, unfortunately, the
lymphoma took over and he did not pull through for us.
So here I was, over emotional, and sad at the thought of the world.
Then I was reminded that I was going to board these two ferrets.
By the way, I work two jobs, and rarely get time to myself.
So today was one of the days when I only had to work one job, and would
have the evening to play with all the ferrets and relax.
I came home in the early afternoon ready to meet the two furry kids I
would watch over the weekend.  What happened next, happened too quickly.
The proud furry mom did not neglect her kids by any means, she was simply
misinformed.  She had taken her ferrets to the vet, and she had done
everything right, except research her vet.  The way her ferret was
acting, she thought was normal, not because she's a bad ferret mommy,
but because she didn't know any better.
Here I was, watching this half dead ferret struggling to breathe.  It's
gums and nose blue, mostly bald, and absolutely no sparkle in her eyes
what so ever.
The first words out of my mouth were "this ferret needs to go to a vet
NOW".  I didn't know how to convince the owner, all I knew is that once
she signs the boarding agreement, I have the right to take her pet to the
vet, so I got that out as quickly as I could, and she signed it, I don't
even think she read it.
I explained to her again, this ferret has to see a vet, slowly, I felt
I was getting through.  I started getting the carrier ready, while
explaining to her what blue gums meant, and why this ferret needs to
see a vet.
This woman just looked at me dumbfounded, she honestly didn't know what
to do, finally, she said, "I can't cancel my flight, if I do, my husband
will never forgive me".
To be honest, I don't care where she was going and why, or if she was
going to care for her ferret.  All I knew is I needed to get the ferret
to the vet asap.
while she was still standing there, I called the vet begging to be
squeezed in.  They told me they were booked solid, but to go ahead and
come in, they'll find a way to squeeze me in, they know I wouldn't call
unless it was an emergency (Have I mentioned how much I love my vet
Before anything else could happen, I had both her ferrets in my carrier
and I was seat belting them in.  She gave me her credit card, and gave me
consent to make whatever judgements I needed to.
My vet is an hour drive away, but well worth the drive.
During the drive, I cursed the woman out under my breath I don't know
how many times.  How could someone just leave their dying animal behind
for someone else to make the call, how cruel and selfish, un-thoughtful
and unforgivable, I could go on and on.  I kept imagining in my mind how
I would use her credit card and max it out, paying off half my vet bill,
just to get back at her.
I kept peeking in the carrier to make sure the ferret was still alive,
only 45 minutes to go, 30 minutes, 15 minutes, 10 more minutes "we're
almost there sweety, just hold on okay?"
Then my cell rang.  It was that woman, she said they're not flying out
She was going to meet me at the vets.
I wasn't sure if I heard her right at first, and maybe she meant her
flight was leaving soon and she was letting me know, I don't know what
she said really, all I know is that I had five more minutes 'till we
got to the vets.
Finally, we're there, and they take the little girl to the back to do
their thing.  The staff apologizes that it might be a while as the doc
is very busy, now worries I thought, I'm here, the ferret will be fine.
I got called in to see my vet, and he said this ferret probably has heart
problems, he wants to take an x-ray, do a glucose, run some test, etc.
Yes yes, whatever you say, just make her okay.
I patiently wait in the waiting room, and finally I get called back in.
The vet doesn't have great news, and some choices have to be made, and
then I realize, it's not my ferret, it's not a shelter ferret, I don't
get to make that call.
10 minutes later the woman and her husband finally show up, we meet
up in room three, the room that I know quite well, it's the one room I
convinced my vet to hang up a ferret anatomy poster of.
My vet explains to the couple what the condition of the ferret is, and
what their choices are, and my heart soared when they chose treatment
over euthanasia.  They made the same choice that I would have, and
they're going to give the little one a chance.
I guess the world is not so bad.
I still don't know where they were flying to, or why.  I do know however,
that these people are ethical, and when they realized that they needed to
be here for their animals, they gave up whatever it was so they can be
here.  And I wasn't forced with a difficult choice.
With all the animal neglect that I see on a regular basis, this was,
quite refreshing.
I believe there is hope for our furry friends after all.
And now, to ask for help.
As I said earlier, I took 7 ill ferrets in.  I gave my vet 3 checks today
totalling $700.  I still owe him $3500.  I have a surgery tomorrow, and
then several wellness checks and ultrasounds on Tuesday afternoon.  This
vet bill will be at $5000 by end of next week.
I hate asking for money, but crap, we really need it.  If you can spare
$10, won't you please call the vet and make a donation?  Maybe you can
buy a hammock or t-shirt from us and help us that way?
Every little bit helps and adds up, and I hate asking as I know there are
a ton of shelters out there who need help with veterinary bills.  But we
really need it.  We will be back to emergencies only after next week.
Our vet is the best in Northern Nevada, and he gives us huge discounts,
but he has bills to pay too.  I can't continue taking advantage of him
the way I have.  He will never deny me service, but I'm well aware, there
comes a certain point when enough is enough, and payment is past due.
Please help, we have lots of stuff for sale, just look at our website
If you want, you can donate directly to our vet, just tell them it's for
the NNFN account, phone number is 775-782-3693.  If you want to snail
mail a donation, send to:
Carson Valley Veterinary Hospital
1390 Hwy 88
Minden, NV 89423
[Posted in FML issue 5030]