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Wed, 25 May 2005 19:35:20 -0700
Judy Cooke <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (91 lines)
I'm not writing this as either a member of the IFC or a member of Support
Our Shelters.  I am writing this just as me.  My comments in no way
should be taken as coming from either of these fine organizations.  Being
a part of these groups does not exempt me from having personal opinions -
these groups are not the sum of who I am.  First and foremost, I am a
ferret lover and the following comments come from that love.
There is a tremendous amount of energy being wasted!  Energy that could
be channeled into doing something that could really make a difference for
our ferrets.  I am so puzzled as to why people can't seem to see that we
are all on the same side - we all want the same thing.
Regardless of what anyone is preaching - Education alone will not work.
It simply won't!
I'm not worried about my ferrets and I'm not worried about yours.  You
and I both know what is good for our ferrets - we have been educated!
We are not the problem!  I am worried about the ferret out there who has
no one looking out for them!  I know many of you are out there in your
neighborhoods pushing education!  This is great!  It's fantastic!  We
really need more people like you!  But unfortunately, you can't be
There are thousands and thousands of places out there with no one to do
the educating!  What about those ferrets?  Do we just not care about
them?  Do we only care about the ferrets in areas where there are active
clubs and groups?
Here's what happens - a person goes into a pet store buys a baby
ferret, cage, bedding, and food.  They spend a bundle!  Then they see
the snacks - one for $6.00 and another for $3.00.  Well....a pet store
wouldn't sell something that is bad for a ferret and they've already
spent so much money - they opt for the cheap!  And here you have yet
another baby ferret - one who is likely too young to be away from it's
mother, beginning it's life with not only items containing little
nutritional value - but some that are potentially dangerous!  In my
case....the owner of the pet store actually recommended the fruit and
nut can!
You and I both know this happens!  That's why you're out there in that
store trying to educate people...isn't it?  Now you are going to say,
people should educate themselves before they purchase any animal.  Yes!!
They should!!  But you and I both know they don't!  That's why you're out
there trying to educate people...isn't it?  But you can't be everywhere
and neither can I!  Education alone is not enough!  These items must come
off the shelf!  They must!!
Pressuring the retail outlets alone will also not do it...but it will
help!  Hey...we already have their attention - they are watching us and
waiting to see how serious we are about this!  We must use every avenue
available to us if we have any hopes at all of seeing changes!  Educate
as many people as we can, encourage the retailers to remove the
potentially dangerous snack and treats, and talk with the manufacturers
about producing better, healthier items!
I have read so many people use the 'bad human snacks' example!  It's a
good example!!  If I, as an adult, wanted to shove a dozen twinkies
into my mouth...hey...I can do that!!  It's my choice!  I know the
consequences and I am an adult and can decide for myself!!  But...did I
shove twinkies into the mouths of my children when they were young?  Or
my grandchildren now?  Hell no!!!!  I had and have a responsibility to
them to provide them with healthy, nutritious snacks.  And I have the
same responsibility to my ferrets!!!  They cannot walk into a store and
decide for themselves what they want!  They rely on me!
My own personal opinion is that I will no longer purchase items from the
Ferret Store.  You can sit there and tell me everything they have done
over the last several years for ferrets and I can see for myself what
they have done over the last week.  They have taken a small step in
educating their customers and are to be commended for that.  But for
me....I do not believe that step is big enough.  I prefer to spend my
ferret dollars where I can actually see that real changes have been
made.  It's a personal choice!
The energy that is being exerted here debating who is right and who is
wrong is being wasted!  There is no right and there is no wrong...there
are only ferrets!!  And they are counting on us!!  We are all working
toward the same goal...we're just going about it differently!
I urge you....write to the retailers, write to the manufactures, talk to
ferret owners and people who want to own ferrets.
In the whole, big scope of the world...what we say on this list really
doesn't matter.  It's what we DO that matters....and right now, we have
the chance to make a difference in the lives of ferrets for generations
to come!  Let's get this garbage off the shelves!
Judy Cooke
Tyson, Hope and Einstei
[Posted in FML issue 4889]