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Tue, 7 Feb 2006 17:51:37 -0800
Muldoone Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (141 lines)
Muldoone's alarm clock went off waking him from a sound sleep.  Not
wanting to get out of his hammy, but knowing if he didn't he would be in
trouble with Nanna and no ferret in his right mind wanted to ever be in
trouble with Nanna; she was one rather L A R G E ferret with a temper.
Indulging in another long delicious stretch, Mully climbed out of his
hammy, made his way to his "necessary corner" and began to get himself
ready to head to the Bridge to greet the new ferret due to arrive.
Mully felt the pain of the one on earth who was leaving her body behind
and embarking on a new journey.  For the wee-one, she was leaving a
sickly body and making her way to a better place; a place free of all
pain and illness but sadly it was also to a place that would separate
her from those she loved so much.  Frisky felt the warmth and love in
the Ferret Promise Song being sung for her by SodaFerret.  The sad sweet
melody of the Ferret Promise song seemed to swirl all around her and she
felt she was being cradled in love and protection.  She heard a beautiful
soft voice whisper to her "Come home wee-one we are waiting for you."
The melody was now awash in her heart and she no longer feared letting
go.  Her thoughts were centered on those she loved most and her heart
whispered a message to her familee, I be sorry but I no can stay, pwease
forgives me."
In the bright sky over the Rainbow Bridge the Ferret Promise Song filled
the air with its bittersweet refrain.  Muldoone had heard the melody many
many times but it still caused him pangs in his heart missing his own
familee back on earth.  The song sang of hope and promise, of sorrow and
loss, all tied together in the cycle of life.  It sang of pain fading
away, of limbs being made strong again, and eyes once more clear and
bright, it told of the sorrow of passing and the joy waiting in the
promise.  At the moment of each ferret's passing the Creator gently took
each one into His thundering velvet right hand and whispered to their
hearts "I knew you before you were ever a ferret, I knew you while you
were on earth, and now you have returned to Me.  Rest now wee-one, you
are home, come and start your new journey that begins at the Bridge."
The flash of light subsided and then Mully heard the unmistakable sound
of ferrety feets coming across the time-worn planks of the Rainbow
Bridge; the Moonbeam Molly Express having delivered another ferret whose
time on earth had been cut short.
Watching the newcomer taking cautious steps coming across the Bridge,
Muldoone recognized the uncertainties the newcomer must be feeling.  So
many ferrets arrived at the Bridge afraid, sad to be away from their
familees, even a few had arrived and were angry about coming to the
Bridge, and they felt they had not had nearly enough time on earth with
their hoomans.
Stepping out to greet the her "Hello, I be Mr. Muldoone, officialist
Wainbow Bwidge Gweeter" he told the little girl ferret, "welcomes to
the Bwidge.  Your name be Fwisky?" Mully asked her.
For a long time Frisky said nothing, she just stared at all the new
sights before her.
"Hey kid, you be okay?" Muldoone asked her.  "You knos where you be?
You be at da Wainbow Bwidge, you not bees sick no mores" Mully explained
to her.
"Yes I knos where I be" the little ferret told Muldoone "my mommy says
dat I has a fwiend here and I sees her when I gets here."
"Dat be right, yur mom sends a messagus dat your fwiend Cwamity bees
here so we finds her for you" Mully told her.
A loud commotion was heard from behind and a furry streak went blazing
past Muldoone nearly knocking him off his feet in the process.  The
two ferrets were laughing and kissing, arms and legs so entangled you
couldn't tell where one started and the other one ended.  It was clear
these two ferrets loved one another and were overjoyed to be reunited.
Finally the moment of the great reunion was spent and the two ferrets
helped one another up.
"Misser Muldoone, may I shows Fwisky awound at da Bwidge?  Pwease?  We
misses each odder very much and we has a wott to talks about" Calamity
"I guesses it bees okay" Mully told her.  "It bees my job to shows fewets
awound but you gots a fwiend to shows you everting and I can goes and
catches up on my sweep."
Off the two ferrets went paw-in-paw, stopping every little bit to give
one another tender loving kisses all about their faces.  Frisky was
mesmerized by of the beauty of the Rainbow Bridge and she was astonished
at how good she felt.  She felt so young all over again; no aches or
pains, eyes sharp and clear, she had the energy of a kit.
Stopping in a beautiful meadow, Calamity told Frisky she had a special
place she was taking her to and something she wanted to show her.
"Fwisky, I goin to shows you how to peeks in on our mommy.  SodaFewet
shows me how and he shows me how to sneaks back when da mommy be sweeping
and gives her whiskery kisses."
"We can goes back home?" Frisky asked excitedly.
"Well not zactly" Calamity told her "but we can peeks in on does we wove
and we sneaks back when dey be asweep but we not goes back to stays."
Arriving at the edge of the Rainbow, Calamity showed Frisky how to climb
up the rings of color to reach the top.  Looking around all Frisky saw
was sky and the villages that made up the Rainbow Bridge.  "Cawamity, I
no sees our mommy" Frisky told her friend.
"Dooes it dis way" Clamity told her as she reached to take the paw of
her best friend, "cwosses yur eyes and tink about da mommy, sees her in
yur heart firstist and den you sees her in your soul."
Closing her eyes tight, more than anything Frisky wanted to see their mom
and then finally a picture began to take form.  She could see their mom,
she could see the day their mom brought them home.  Days sped by, days
of love and laughter, days not so fun when her best friend Calamity got
sick, and many days of tears by the mom when Calamity left for the
Bridge.  Frisky watched herself with their mom, the mommy trying so hard
to make her happy after her best friend went away but her little was
broken and she felt lost.  Such a battle the little girl ferret faught
inside, she loved her mom but she longed to snuggle with her sister and
finally the day came when her heart broke completely and she could no
longer bear the pain of being without her best friend.  She made the
decision to embark on a journey that would take her to the Rainbow Bridge
to find Calamity once again.  Both watched the mom now as the tears
flowed freely; tears for Frisky, tears for Calamity, tears for the loss
of both ferrets, tears as she looked at pictures of the two of them.
"Mommy, pwease no cwy, I hads to come, I misted Cawamity.  I woved you
too mommy, but I need to be wiff my my sistur.  And mommy tank you for
woving us, tank you for everyting" Frisky said to the imagine in her
"Mommy, I pwomise I takes gud care of Fwisky" Calamity stated "she not
bees awone anymores.  We woves you mommy and we waits for you.  Mommy
we want to be back togedder.  We sworry we made you sads, we sworry we
mades you cwy.  You takes care of us and now we waits for you" Calamity
whispered to her mom.  Both ferrets lifted their hearts and their eyes
to the heavens and said a prayer for their mom to be watched over until
the day came they would all be reunited.
Caring for your ferrets at the Rainbow Bridge.
[Posted in FML issue 5147]