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Tue, 29 Nov 2005 03:55:37 -0500
Karen Poehlein-Lee <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
Two of our male ferrets are driving me bonkers with litter box problems.
We adopted these guys about 4 months ago, one is two and a half years
old, the other is four and a half years old.  Both in excellent health
and they adapted very well into their new home.
I cannot believe what slobs these guys are and it has not gotten any
better with time.  Litter boxes are scooped every day without fail and
pellets dumped and changed about every third day.  They have 2 corner
pans in their cage and a rectangle one, they will move the litter pans
out of the way to do it on the paper in the bottom of the cage.  When I
had just rectangle pans in the cage, they would shove them out of the way
to do it in the corners so I put in corner pans and they shove them out
of the way to do it halfway in between the corners.  At first they also
insisted on sleeping in the litter boxes regardless if they were soiled
or not, they didn't seem to know what the bedding was for.  I finally got
them sleeping in the bedding but I still keep one small rectangular box
in the cage with wood pellets in case someone decides to crash in it
which they from time to time still enjoy
I read somewhere, can't remember where that putting a couple of slobby
males in with females, the girls will have them whipped into shape in no
time.  Well I can say this has not been the case, Jewel is about as prim
and proper of an older lady ferret as they come and Pepper is no slouch
herself; both these gals are super super clean and they have had NO
effect whatsoever on these two.  Missing the litter box from time to time
is no big deal but consistently day after day, what is up with that??
Any ideas??
[Posted in FML issue 5076]