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Sun, 20 Nov 2005 15:34:23 +0000
reanee gladden <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (49 lines)
Monday the 21st.  Is absolutely the last chance to get in on the raffle.
The only way now to get into it is to do it through Pay-Pal.
When using Pay Pal this is the address the payment should be sent
[log in to unmask]
Please make a note that it's for Katrina Raffle Tickets and
include $1.00 service charge.
Please include which raffle package you would like tickets for.
Judy will send you your ticket numbers.
I can't wait to see who wins, what.  I know everyone will be deighted
with their packages!!!!!!!!  So get in on a chance to get one of these
wonderful packages, and help some of the victims and their pets, have a
good holiday!!!!!
Also if there is nothing you really want in the packages ( which I just
can't imagine) With Christmas comming up there are a lot of wonderful
things to make a family memeber or friend delighted!!!!
A lot of shelters and rescues could use bedding and food.  If you win
one of those packages, think how delighted those places would be to have
something like that show up on their door step unexpectedly!!!!!!!  That
way you would also not only be helping the victims of Katrina, but one of
your favorite shelters or rescues!!!!!!!  Even if you don't win one of
the packages it is a win, win situation for everyone.  For you to know
that you helped out someone in great need, and the thrill of possibly
winningone of these wonderful packs.
Remember the drawing is the day before Thanksgiving, which is Wed.
the 23d.
Thanks again so much to everyone that has purchased tickets, and a huge
thank you once again to all that helped get these wonderful packages
togeather, by donating not only their beautiful items, but also the time
and thought they put in making them.  Some hearts are so full of love
they should be bursting.
For me this has been a wonderfull learning experiance.  I have seen the
generosity of so many people that love and care, from afar so many times,
and a lot of companys, and distributors that have given so generously
over and over again to so many causes.
Reanee Gladden
[Posted in FML issue 5068]