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Wed, 16 Nov 2005 14:47:55 -0800
sandee ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
If you have looked to the skies recently you would have seen the Frosty
Moon this month and close by, a precious little soul named Boo.  Boo
arrived with eyes of warm flame and with new pink wings with a pearl
sheen.  Boo crossed the bridge whole and with thick white fur the color
of the Frosty moon this month.  I was quick to rush to her side and give
her a warm kiss on her furry cheek as requested by her mother.
Dancing and dooking at the touch of the kiss she rolled back and
right through the heather.  Then a little head popped up with little
purpley-pink petals the size of dots all over it.  She looked a bit
dumbfounded at first.  I giggled when she shook her fur back into place
with such great force that all of the petals flew up into the air like
a cloud.
Before she had a single minute to miss her family, I walked her over to
the reflecting pond to show her that she can see her mommy anytime she
wanted.  But she got concerned because her mommy couldn't see her back.
I told her that she could.  Humans have excellent memories and carry
their own pictures in their minds eye over time.  I told her that she
could return her mommies kiss.  If her mommy pays attention in the
future, that little tickle on the cheek in the night as she sleeps, or
the warm breeze that touches her cheek in the day might be Boo giving a
kiss right back.
We trotted off to the treat bar and best of all, a huge gold fountain of
ferretone.  Poor Boo wasn't used to taking licks out of the fountain and
had a ferretone mustache.  Several of the nearby weangels dashed on over
to lick her cheeks and lips clean again while she squinted her eyes up
and dooked about.
Lastly I went to a cloud high up above.  She was quite graceful in her
new wings.  Very adept.  Anyway, up on a very petite, fluffy cloud was a
choice of hammocks.  One was pink with sparkles on it.  It was lined with
cloud.  When she took a peek inside, guess who popped out and pounced on
her?  Chatters!  Her very own weangel buddy!  That ole frosty moon was
rising so I bid good-bye and they hunkered down in that big fluffy hammy.
Talking and whispering about all the mischief they could get into while
waiting for their mom to arrive.
[Posted in FML issue 5064]