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Fri, 16 Sep 2005 15:53:23 +0000
Laura Holland <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
to quote Jennifer:
>She is a responsible breeder both with her dogs and with her ferrets.
>Is she not allowed to have any other hobbies or interests besides
>ferrets?  Do you have other interests besides ferrets?  Your website
>says you do.
There is just a slight difference between me and the Marguerite.  Sure -
I have lots of hobbies.  Expensive ones, at that.  And I work hard to
support my addiction to expensive guitars and hiking gear.  But I don't
go around calling myself a "shelter" and asking people for money.  I do
sell a CD that I made that benefits a shelter - if anyone wants to see
the income and expenses for that let me know - I can print it off in a
to quote Marguerite:
>I FIRMLY believe if you breed and don't rescue, you are not giving back
>to that breed, being ferrets, dogs, cats or any other animal.  Both
>should go hand in hand.  If you create life, then you should also help
>life when they are down.
I'm confused.  Isn't the purpose of a ferret shelter to help with
unwanted ferrets - and yet she's breeding more to contribute to the
problem?  I've never heard of a SHELTER that breeds.  And breeding dogs
as well when there's packed shelters full of dogs waiting for a home?
And she thinks that taking in ferrets offsets the breeding of dogs and
more ferrets?  Actually they cancel eachother out - so in a sense,
you're doing nothing.
Perhaps I should post the 20 or so emails I received yesterday from
various members of this group thanking me for what I posted the other
day.  And how when they have emailed her re: donations or questions
she's lashed out at them just like she did to me - which is how this
all started.  So this isn't a "personal" attack it's merely one person
brave enough to step up and say "whoa this is wrong".
Laura and The Seattle Seven at http://www.ferretocious.com
[Moderator's note: Well, I'd like to see the 20 e-mails, privately, of
course.  The notes I'm getting do NOT support what you're saying.  I'm
not implying you're imagining this, but I'm wondering why I people are
only willing to comment on one side of the story if there is another.
Perhaps seeing those notes will give me a clue.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 5003]