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Thu, 8 Sep 2005 11:43:50 -0700
FerretMomJC <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (66 lines)
It's been approx 36 hours since the group of 6 ferrets from New Orleans
were taken in to The Ferret Haven.  The ferrets are being well cared for
- I have not, however, heard any news from their humans yet although the
flights of people destined for Louisville and expected 3 days ago have
not arrived yet.
Everyone has seen the vet and I feel that we have a good assessment of
their condition and needs.  They've all been vaccinated, are all on
antibiotics, 3 for upper respiratory infections, 1 for upper respiratory
plus bladder infection, and 2 just as a precaution because the other 4
have it!!  All of the fleas have crossed the bridge...I think they turn
into butterflies there, don't they??
Little 8-yr old Peanut is on Pred as her glucose was in the gutter at 38.
This explained the dazed and confused look and the seizure.  She also has
a major bladder infection.  I am still amazed this girl made it.  I feel
such a bond with her.  last night I slept on the couch with her on my
chest.  She absolutely loves to cuddle and have her ears and neck rubbed.
The other 5 are really bouncing back after lots of sub-q fluids over the
past day and a half.  They are completely devouring a large bowl of soup
4 times a day and they're starting to give me that look.....like "hey,
this plush bedding and food is pretty good, but it would be nice if we
could get out and stretch our legs a little bit.......whadaya think??"
Yikes - I was prepared for everything....fleas, ear mites, dehydration,
cage, baths.......but not a separate play area for them.  Since they are
sick and I'll error on the side of caution here and say contagious AND
since I specialize in sick and older ferrets, I don't want them to play
in the same play room as everyone else.  So tonight I will be laying
vinyl flooring and some quick short studded walls.  I've been
procrastinating on doing this for the general shelter population anyway.
Lots of help in place - IFC and SOS are helping with supplies and vet
bills.  A wonderful person named Lisa who does not know me,
telepathically knew that the one thing I was really going to be hurting
for would be butterfly needles and is sending them........amazing!!
Many individuals have offered assistance and I've told them I would wait
to see what was coming in already and let them know.  I took Kim Fox up
on some toys since I had not thought about a separate play room when
preparing for these guys.  Angela Dixon is sending some hand sewn
sleepsacks, some blankets and jingle balls.
Our ferret community is amazing, individuals and organizations.  Within
the organizations like SOS and IFC, for every name that we see and
recognize, like Judy Cook eand Brenda Johnson, there are these dedicated
worker bees who are buzzing around behind the scenes making things
happen.  These worker bees are not as visible to us.  People like Sharon
Bearden who is arranging for food and food products through one of the
ferret supply stores and Melatonin Implants through Melatek.
When the whirlwind is over and things settle down a bit, I will be
carefull to thank everyone who has provided or offered supplies &
support.  I plan on taking pictures of the six tonight and they will be
posted so that you can associate little noses to the names!
I do have one need/want for them at this time - if anyone has a new clear
tunnel that we could use, it would be appreciated.  I say NEW as these
guys are still sickly and I don't want any chance of them getting ECE,
ADV or anything else from other ferrets.  If you have one you can send,
please e-mail me directly.
The Ferret Haven
[Posted in FML issue 4995]