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Mon, 5 Sep 2005 07:38:05 -0700
lilly jen <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (76 lines)
Devil looked out the window of the limo she had hired.  The coastline
seemed to speed by in a blur, her driver was one of those dangerous
ferrets who should never be allowed behind the wheel of any motorized
device, and especially not payed to drive the ferret public around in
a limo.
"slow down!" she yelled for the fifth time, as he lurched around a
corner so fast that she was smashed against the limo's window.
"eh?" he called back to her and sped up even faster.
devil was very grateful when she arrived at the airport and got on her
AirFerrets flight in one piece.  At least she could relax in her first
class cabin.  She sat down and listened to the pilot's warnings without
really paying attention.  The plane took off smoothly, and Devil leaned
back against her seat and tried to relax, although she was still shaken
from the drive.  She took a small bag of kibble from the stewardess,
and put it aside, but before she could eat it, Devil had fallen into a
nervous sleep.
The plane arrived in London without any mishaps, but devil still
hesitated to get on a bus or take a cab to the mall.  She decided to go
for a short walk to calm her nerves.  She walked a few blocks, enjoying
the sights and sounds of London.  She turned down a shabby looking
alleyway called bandit boulevard, and after taking a few steps, she
realized how tired she was.  She sat down on the stairs of number 800,
a shabby building that looked like it belonged in a rubbish bin.  She
looked over to her right, and saw a ferret lurking in the shadow of a
building.  This was not unusual, ferrets tended to pop up where you least
expected them from time to time, but Devil already had a bad case of
nerves, and was scared by the ferrets sudden appearance.  Quickly, she
ducked inside the shabby building, and was amazed by what she saw.  She
was in a beautiful sunlit room that was much larger than the building had
seemed to be from the outside.  As she walked up to the front desk, she
silently apologized for thinking it belonged in a rubbish bin.  This
was quite possibly the least rubbishish place she had ever been in.
There wasn't anyone at the desk, so devil stood and waited, she read the
nameplate on the desk: Baby, SAS.  Her first disorganized thought was
that Baby was a strange name for a ferret, then she remembered that the
reason she came to London in the first place was to take a job with the
SAS.  As she was thinking how lucky she was to have found the place, a
young sable ferret came out of one of the tunnels in the wall, and came
over to the desk.  She looked curiously at devil, then she smiled.
"hello?" she said questioningly.  "Are you supposed to be here, or did
you just wander in?  I'm Stinker, by the way."
Devil looked at her.  (She had never seen a ferret talk so fast) then
said " well I just wandered in, but I think I am supposed to be here.
I got a letter, you see.." but stinker didn't seem to be listening, she
called over her shoulder to a scrawny black ferret, who scurried up to
the desk.
"baby," she said "you told me you were only sending that letter to one
ferret.  What happened?"
baby looked up innocently "I don't know." She said "maybe it was a
computer error."  But devil caught a strange look in her eye, for a
moment.  She didn't like the looks of baby, and decided right then that
she couldn't be trusted.  "anyway," baby went on "we definitely could
use some new agents.  I'll show her to her room."
Devil followed baby through one of the tunnels in the wall, and up seven
flights of stairs to a large, sunny corridor with soft, fluffy, fuzzy
fleece carpet.  And knocked on door number 80.  A small silver mitt
ferret answered the door, "hi, mischief.  This is devil.  The first of
your roommates to arrive" baby said quickly "I take it you can show her
around."  Then she scurried off so quickly it was like she just
Mischief and devil looked at each other mistrustfully for a few seconds
before she said "well come on in then" and devil followed mischief into
their room at the SAS.
[Posted in FML issue 4992]