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Mon, 5 Sep 2005 19:26:46 -0400
Ferretwise <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (50 lines)
HI Friends,
You know I think there is nothing better than when Ferrets help Ferrets.
We are used to the humans doing things-- though sometimes we really think
they get it all BACKWARDS.  My friend Doodle takes care of Dorothy, and
it's a BIG JOB!  Dorothy is very very nice and sends us good wishes and
even sponsors some shelter kids form time to time.  That is special cuz
she has her own furry kids to tend to!
But today I just have to tell you -- I am choked up so much and not even
because I stole the ferretone bottle and got some up my nose, or because
I got to spill Cheerios ALL OVER the shelter .  Because in the past few
days some of our own furry ferrety kids are stepping up to help us kids
at the shelter.
You may have seen Dylan's Challenge a few days ago -- that he asked his
mom to sew big sleepy sacks and he will have her mail one to everyone who
sends a $20 donation or more to the shelter.... and today, believe it or
not a friendly ferret kid who never EVEN LIVED here - my friend Doodle,
sent a donation to help us buy some more kibble!  ( This is wonderful cuz
the teeny kids eat a lot- and the new kids Gavin & Ringo they dig its all
over their cage Man O Man!  NOW - my little toes are just pink with
You know this makes all the stuff like dealing with Advantage for fleas,
ear cleanings and nail clippings seem so INSIGNIFICANT NOW!
To show, MY APPRECIATION to the ferrets who are so giving I asked Mom if
I could share and she said YES!
Sharing we are taught here is a good thing-- but asking Mom is better!
SO to both Dylan and to Doodle, I am sending a chewy, tasty Cheweasel
treat in a package and a secret surprise.  Only those ferrets who help me
care for the other kids in the shelter here get this special surprise...
and heck we are so grateful that with all the bad things happening in the
world today - the kids are pitching in to help us out!.
Thanks Dylan and Thanks Doodle... must be a "D " week for sure.  I will
have plenty of surprises to share for any other kids and alumni that
want to help us care for our hospice network which numbers more than 30
ferrets today!  After all most times who knows better than shelter kids
what things are like in the shelter!  Licks & occassional chomps to all!
Jerimiah Ferretwise!, mascot
PS- Aren't we just very VERY special critters after all.
[Posted in FML issue 4992]