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Wed, 13 Jul 2005 17:18:03 -0400
text/plain (23 lines)
Hi ya'll.  It has been a while!  I hav been very busy with summer, kids,
ferts, cats, dogs, jobs....well you all get the picture.......but I do
have a question here guys.......
My littlest gal, Helena seems to have a bad tooth - but I, being dentally
challenged, am not quite sure what we are dealing with - and thought, who
better to help me than my ferrety friends?  She is 3 years old - and her
upper left canine - seems to be discolored - a light brown.  Now she does
not appear to be in any pain, whatsoever - however, I have noted, every
once in a while - she "tongues" the tooth, rubbing her tongue on it when
eating.  I have looked, poked, prodded, and tried to wiggle said tooth -
and it does not seem to be loose at all.  When I poke, prod, etc - she
does not seem to "hurt" from it either.  Now before everyone asks me the
normal: have you taken her to the vet yet?  - I have to point out I don't
like to waste vet's time for animal not sick, not in pain, and not losing
weight.  I just want to know if the color of this tooth - has anyone else
had a similar situation with their fuzzy?
Please advise and thanks all!!!
Kim and Her Army of Idiots
[Posted in FML issue 4938]