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Wed, 29 Jun 2005 20:43:19 -0700
Judy Cooke <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
When we last read, Christianaferret and the Dook had been arrested!!!
The story was sent to Nicole Laidacker.  Nicole wrote:
Christianaferret was horrified as the guards took her magic box from
her as they accused her of stealing it.  She tried to explain to them
who she was and how that hob had tried to attack her to steal her box
that is why she screamed.
The Dook was obviously upset by the fact that he was arrested like a
common ferret when he paid these guards their salary, but he kept quiet
so he could learn more about this Christianaferret who claimed to be
the Princess he was to marry.
The guards had been well trained by the Dook and remembered that he told
them the common ferrets would try desperately to trick them into thinking
they were someone else so they would not go to jail, so they completely
ignored the protests of the two ferrets they were dragging to jail.
Christianaferret began to cry when they closed the cage door, knowing
that she would never get to ask her box all the questions she had and
would never find out about the Dook.  She hoped that her father would
soon miss her and try to find her.
As she sat there, she decided to find out what that hob's problem was
and why he jumped her.  Eventually he explained that he thought she had
stolen the box and he wanted to return it to the Princess he had heard it
had been sent it to.  They talked for quite a while about...
Sent to Donna Christen.  Donna wrote:
  ....the upcoming nuptials for the Dook of Cornish Hen and the
Princess, both of them looking with caution at one another.  The Dook
interestingly, trying to determine just how this peasant girl in the
dirty, & tattered clothing, so disheveled looking, could possibly be the
Princess she claimed to be - whom he, the Dook of Cornish Hen, was bound
to marry.  Christianaferret was thinking of that magical box, which she
had so many questions to ask, about this gentleferret, THE Dook of
Cornish Hen!  Whom, himself, was sitting right in front of her!  Never
giving a thought to her attire, and how she must appear to someone of
such royalty, she herself being of royal ferrethood~
To be continued......
[Posted in FML issue 4924]