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Sat, 25 Jun 2005 14:20:33 -0500
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Hyall to de FMLers and Mommy Christs
Sorrys for belated writings about greets to Snoflake.  Of course she was
properly greeted, but I was in such a busy and forgots to have my hooman
mommy writes about it.
So anyways, we heard dat a furry name Sno was about to cross; so we
rounds up her business Michael, Rocky, Lucy and Holly.
Dey were singing and wardancing to welcome her now where was she.  Den
in de distance we spotted a misty white apparition (dictionary-big word)
trotting very royally acwoss de Bwidge.  So tiny, yet so much de queen.
Wowsie, even from a distance you could see her great beauty.  Den of
course de bwidge started to sway and de queenly twot went out de window--
I could see tears from my place and she was so tiny, she was in danger of
being bounced off--never has happened but scares one terribly.  So I runs
over to Ms Sno and takes her arms--I is an old hand at swaying bwidges,
and so we twotted de rest of de way.  She held ons to me like everyting.
Den when we got to de entrance, she looked at me and kept looking--I knew
what she was tinking but being a lady, she kept quiet.  I introduces
myself to hers.  I is Ms SaraFerret and I is one of de gweeters to de
Rainbow Bridge.  Den she asks where is your fur.  Its a long story and
so is de outfit--remind me to tell you abouts it later.  Den she and her
business gweeted each other with lots of war dancing and loud dooks of
FInally all settled down.  I splains to her dat we has to get her fitted
for her wings and halo and of course a new hammie for her new life here.
So off we went to Kit Village and found de pwace for de outfits.  Dere it
was laying there waiting for her.  Royalty blue wings and halo to match
and den de tops of it all a canopied hammie fit for de queen.  She twies
dem on and all were impressed.  Den she says where do I stays.  Well
Rocky spoke ups and said we have a great den big enough for all of us.
Dey took the canopied hammock and ran ahead so dey could get it fixed up.
She walks in and dere it was just perfect for her.  However the den was
really dusty--thats mild for what it was.  She stoods dere and says ROcky
you wants me to live in dis????  He looks around and says I tought it
looks nice.  She says the canopy looks great.  But de curtains are dirty
and de floor is yucky and dose carpets.  Poor ROcky--he tought he had
kept it so clean--( tink he is a bit nearsighted and missed de dirt.  So
I suggest to Ms Sno dat we go looking around -no need to fly so early.  I
shows her the reflecting pool where she could see her earth family but
dey werent reflected yet.  I tells her it takes some time to tune it in.
We visited the kibble garage and de otter slide and she says dat sure
looks like fun--but I tells her well de object is to get as muddy as
possible--well she says really I sometimes wish peoples would forget dat
I am royalty and lets me slide.  Well dat could wait for another day.
We stopped by a nice little drinking place and we had the best tasting
water.  And den she asked you tink Rocky has cleaned it up yet.
I could picture de business working dere little paws to de bone dusting
and cleaning.  So dere we were at her new home--we walks in and a miracle
had taken place.  New lacey curtains, new pink rugs and everyting was
spotless down to de eating and drinking bowls.  And a number of very
tired ferrets and four otters had cleaned de place.  Den she hung her
head--wowsie all for me--oh I shouldnt has made you works so hard.  Dey
all spoke up and says well we knew it was your first day and we had
gotten a bit messy so we just cleaned up a bit.  She was surprised to
see de otters and was told dey lived her too--otters and ferrets are fun
loving animals and hang out together a lot her.  You could see how happy
everyone was.  Dey invited me in for tea and snacks, but I declined as I
had to go to de Bwidge to gweet yet another newcomer.  I tanked dem and
twotted off to my assigned duty, reminding myself dat I really have to
get my den cleaned up so it looked nice.  So it was all in a day's work.
Love, dooks, nosekisseys to all
[Posted in FML issue 4920]