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Sat, 7 May 2005 21:23:27 -0400
Andy & Ziggy <[log in to unmask]>
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Ziggy here; I begged and begged to go to the symposium with mum!  Nope;
did not work she would not let me go.  She said she was going to be to
to busy to have to worry about me when she was not in the room.  She
promised me she would tell me all that happened so I could report it
in the news.  I did not expect my mum to come home the way she did!
Kissing us and loving on us!  We can't even get a treat in without
interruption!  Miss Stephanie and Mr. Tom was watching us while mum was
gone and they let us eat our treats in peace, so somebody did somethin
to my mum in Saint Louis.  I am going to tell the St.  Louis news first
then that Bossy Fuzz Butt Andy is going to tell his news.  Hee hee he
gets to tell old news I get to tell new IMPORTANT news!  Mum says that
this symposium was the biggest, best yet symposium!  She is so proud to
be a part of the International Ferret Congress.  Way to go IFC committee
members and volunteers!  OOPS can't forget all the humans that attended;
without them it would not have been such a success.
There is going to be so so much to report.  Mum got there a bit late,
Andy is going to report on the trips to and from MO.  so that will be
later.  Poor Peter and Kaleigh got to unload the van all by themselves
because mum had to get busy with the vendor tables.  All the other
vendors were going to be reporting in at 2 to set up, and mum did not get
there till 1 PM.  Friday morning Holy Moley there was people coming in
from all directions.  Food?  Mum says there was more food than she has
seen in months and months, there was lots and lots of fresh fruit so mum
was able to eat without getting too sick.  She did cheat some on food
that she was not pose to eat but she was careful not to get herself
really really sick.  There were old friends and new friends, lots of
hugs, giggles and whoops when more people came in.  Mum tooks lots of
pictures, she even took one of Wolfy taking a picture of mum taking a
picture of Wolfy.  It is pretty silly.  Here is the link to some of the
pictures everyone was taking.
Mum and all the people that were there worked hard to make things run
smooth and be good.  IT WAS!!!  Mum evened got to meet and speak with Dr.
Fitzgerald from Animal Planet.  Dr. Mike from Pet Smart, Mr. Travis; he
works with our cousins in the wild wild places.  Here is his link for the
Black Footed Ferrets http://www.prairiewildlife.org/.
So many wonderful people to teach us such wonderful things.  Then mum
gots to meet so many shelter friends from all over the country.  Donna
and Robert from TX.  Mum kept calling Robert; Roger... Sorry Robert, mum
is silly like that sometime.  She calls me different names too.  One day
she even put me in Delilah's cage said good night Delilah; cuz that is
who she thought I was.  I had to poop in the wrong place to get her
attention.  Soon as I did she knowed it was me!  Maybe you shouda pooped
in the wrong place too so you could remind her who you were?  Trish from
Mo.  Camed to meet mum, Carol O; Nyxa's secret Santa, wow oh wow mum was
so happy to meet all of you guys in person.  If I did not list your name
it is because mum is still feeling like she has been run over by a truck
and she is still trying to process all that happened that entire weekend.
Mum said the whole weekend seemed to go so so fast and for the most part
there were just a few wrinkles in any of it.
When Mum got home she found all us kids in great shape and the shelter in
EXCELENT shape.  Miss Stephanie and Mr. Tom took wonderful care of us and
the shelter.  When mum and bunches of people from the symposium went to
the Zoo mum found Miss Sue and Mr. Neil there waiting for them.  They had
fun looking at all the animals there, there was even cousins there, that
mum and the groups got to see.  They was in the back out of the humans
eyes so they got special permission to see them.  The Zoo people brought
them out for all the symposium humans to see.  Mum says if you can get to
the next symposium you need to; it is so so cool.  Shhhh .....I is going
to hide in one of mums boxes so I can go next time.  NOT FAIR that I had
to stay home, I was an unofficial/official symposium spokes ferret!
I Want my news letter back all to myself!  That Ziggy girl is being a
nuisance!  Ziggy will you get on with it... so I can do my report?
Okay!  do your news@%$#!  I will finish later!  Geeezzzz what a cry baby
you are!
Andy here, senior reporter.... I thought seniors got to report first, Ha
what do I know?  Ziggy has mum wrapped right around her little paw!  Okay
now the news.  Kaleighand Peter got mum food for the trip to and from MO.
Kaleigh and Peter found human kibble that mum could eat!  She wanted mum
to be able to eats when they were on the road, Peter and Kaleigh kept mum
entertained all the way to and from the symposium.  Mum just set back and
listened to them tease each other.  They was pretty funny!  When they got
here to pack the boxes with the store stuff and they all started to pack
the van Peter tolds mum she was gonna has to leave some of it behind.
Mum had to start picking and choosing what was going to go with them....
So if you did not see what you wanted then go to mums site at
www.ferretfarm.org you will find it there.  Mum got stopped for speeding
in Indiana.  The nice police man only gaved mum a green warning.  Phew
that is good cuz if mum gets a ticket on her CDL she has to tell her boss
at work!  Now I will do the shelter reporting for you.
Mr. Peter and Mr. Rooh camed in with our new chine to clean our blankies,
they got it all hooked up and ready to go.  It was so late when they got
done that mum did not play with it till morning.  It is one very cool
chine.  Thank you everyone for helping us get a chine that will keep our
blankies clean.  Even that Stinky Boy... oops ....Doll Face kid is happy
to have the new machine.
Pepper got sick, Miss Donna took him to Our Favorite Doc, Miss Nichole
brought him back, Mum took him back to the hospital, Pat took care of
him, he died at Pat's from pancreatic cancer.  Miss Morgan came to help
at the shelter she brought us a leash and harness.  Thanks Morgan!
Hey Bossy Fuzz Butt; Miss Morgan is my far away mom I get to tell what
she does NOT YOU!!!  Hi far away mom, thanks for coming to play with me ,
and bringing me a new harness and leash
Crabby!  Crabby!  Crabby!  Geezzz Zig get a life will ya?
If Ziggy would stop intrupting I could get on with the news, Miss Stacie
got mum's spare room bed all done and ready to go for Miss Stephanie and
Mr. Tom when they was going to stay with us.  Miss Stephanie did us up
new fliers with our new logo that Miss Sue B made for us.  Miss Donna D.
camed with her son to cut up that tree that broke and fell to the ground
making it so we could not get down our path to the creek.  Miss Sis and
Mr. Rooh did all kinds of stuff to help mum get ready for the symposium,
Miss Ret worked her fingers to the bone to get new stuff ready for mum
to take to the symposium, she made a special slipper for me to sleep in,
mum put it in the library play room for me to share with the other kids.
Bandit's far away mom sent bandit a new tent, he shares with everyone
too.  She sewed her fingers to the bone too for mum and the symposium.
Miss Angie H.  sent Doll Face (Stinky Boy) a new blankie, in a shopping
bag with lots of tissue paper in it to play in he shares with Pinky.
Miss Stacie brought mum 2 dress racks for her to use to hang the things
she uses for her shirts at the symposium.
Look what Mr. Harry did for us
Dart got real real sick so mum had to get him in to see Our Favorite Doc.
Miss Nichol T.  camed from Corning to pick him up to take him to Doc.
Doc called mum that afternoon and said Dart had a big thing in his belly,
he needed emergency surgery.  Doc found a 3" hair wad in his intestines.
So Dart has strings in his belly.  Miss Lori L brought him home for mum
on Saturday.  Mum has been invited to come to the pet days with the
humane society in Austin Park in Skaneateles and Canandaigua so she will
be in Skaneateles next week May 15.  NO shelter day that day!
Don't forget we have clinic day coming up... June 11, if you want to come
see Doc send mum an email she will mail you a registration form.  There
will be a photographer here again this year.  Well mum says we need to
close this news for now.
Until Next Month;
Andy Senior reporter
Love and trouble
Ziggy from New York
[Posted in FML issue 4871]