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Mon, 4 Apr 2005 07:06:29 -0400
Andy & Ziggy <[log in to unmask]>
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April 2005 News
Reporter Andy
Cub-reporter Ziggy
Happy!  Happy spring shelter friends!!  Ziggy here; mum tolds me I could
be first on the news this month!  I am a little sad and a little happy!
Last month that tattle tail; bossy butt; Andy tolds on mum being sick!
I thought mum would be mad, well she was sorta mad but so many of you
humans out there sents us emails telling mum how to make this to eat and
did she see this web site?  Then did she know this or that, several of
you sents mum recipes of things she maybe can eat.  SOOO that means mum
was not mad at that Andy for being a tattle tale.  POOH I wanted him to
be in trouble!  Mum says thanks to all of you for being so kind to tell
her all the things you had to share.  What mum has found out is this, she
is allergic to additives, preservatives, MSG, BHT and Gluten.  That does
not leave much for her to eat without getting sick.  I tolds her I would
share my kibble but she passed on that.  Don't know why; it is goooood
Hey Ziggy!!!!  Let me do my news!  I is the senior reporter, I am pose
to be first!  Just cuz you is mum's favorite you get to go first?  I
have lots of news to report so it is my turn!
Miss Donna comes every week to help mum around here, pretty soon it will
be nice out and she will want to be out side doing mums yard.  Miss Donna
and baby (her fur kid) gots a new house to live in so mum has been going
over there to help clean, and do stuff Donna needs her to do.  Mum got
barriers up for Miss Donna so that Baby can not fall down the stairs to
the basement, dig through the screen to the out side and go to the living
room to sneak out the front door.  Mum says she wanted to help Donna make
sure her boy was safe in his new house.
We has been getting lots and lots of boxes in from the mail man, we got
ice trays from Miss Lynn, Shop Vac from Miss Donna, Ice trays, trash bags
and papaya for our soup "YUMMM" from Miss Maria.  Blankies, blankies and
more blankies for that spoiled brat Stinky Boy Brave Heart!  Mum says he
has a new AKA name, it is Doll Face..  I say it is still Stinky Boy!  He
is so so spoiled he STINKS!!!  Miss Angie says he is a Doll Face, she
sent him a new blankie and a shopping bag with lots and lots of tissue
paper to play in.  Miss Lisa sents more boxes of blankies to that boy!
MAN!  What makes him so special to get all this new stuffs?  We gots
bedding from Miss Rose and a new person Miss Evelyn, she asked Miss Rose
to send us more.
One really scary thing happened; Mum lost all our shelter pictures in the
computer.  She was so scared that all the pictures were gone gone gone!
But that far away Mr. Andy that built this computer for us helped mum
find our shelter pictures, showed mum how to put our pictures on CD so
they would not get lost ever again; (unless mum puts the CD some place
she will not find it) mum does that a lot.  Then Mr. Andy cleaned up the
goofs mum made to make the computer work slow.  So our puter is all fixed
up and mum is making sure our pictures are on CD's now.
Mum is going crazy getting ready for the symposium, she has boxes packed
all over the place, the store looks like somebody let ALL us shelter kids
out there at the same time to spend the day playing..  I has never seen
mums store in such a mess!  Boy it is fun to get out there and play too.
Mum had to move all the treats to a different wall and up high cuz that
Ziggy girl would get out there and steal cheweasels right off the wall
on mum.
Andy!  I did not steal cheweasels!  I would just sniff them out and taste
them so stop telling stories that is not true!!
Oh Yeah????  Well mum took them off the wall and put them in the shelter
because she could not sell Cheweasels in a package that was all chewed
up with Ziggy teeth marks in it.  So what do you call it Ziggy?
I call it making sure the treats are all okay for all the cousins that
are going to get them when the humans come to the store to buy them.
Now get back to the news, Mr. know it all; tattle tale~!!
Oh oh, yeah!  The mice eated up mums dish washer; ate all the water hoses
and the rubber boot on the water pump.  Mum keeps the dish washer in the
laundry room down in the basement, so we kids can't play in the chines
and get hurt.  So Mr. Tom and Miss Stephanie camed over today and they
put hardware cloth on the back and bottom of mums dishwasher so the mice
can not eat it any more!
Right after the symposium just a short few weeks later is mums ferret
only clinic day.  June 11, we are listed in the upcoming events in the
ferret's magazine this month.  Don't forget we have the raffle for the
Dog Bed; tickets will be drawn on clinic day.
Okay I am done with the news, Ziggy has one more thing to say and we
will close for now.
Until Next Month;
Andy Senior reporter
Okay my last report is this; we have enough money to get the chine we
need to get our blankies clean.  Mum tolds me I could be the one to say
thank you all for all you have done to help us get a chine in here to
stop the stinky stuffs!  You are all wonderful wonderful shelter friends!
When it gets here mum said she will get a picture of it with that Brave
Heart A.K.A.  Doll face to let you see what it looks like.  THANK YOU!
Love and trouble (my new salutation) I learned it from my friend Ziggy
that lives in Ma with his human Miss Ronnie!
Ziggy from New York
Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue Shelter
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Official Spokesperson and Vendor Coordinator
International Ferret Congress
[Posted in FML issue 4838]