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Sun, 13 Mar 2005 18:21:25 -0800
Muldoone Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (65 lines)
Morning time at the Rainbow Bridge would be a wondrous sight for any
human to see.  Animals of all kinds beginning to wake and stir about.
The sky is painted with every color of the rainbow, the air is crisp
and clear.  Flowers of every kind imaginable in full bloom releasing
their beautiful fragrance into the air; roses, jasmine, honeysuckle,
lilac, and many others.  No animal was ever hungry, thirsty, or sick at
the Rainbow Bridge nor did any animal age; regardless what age they
were when they left their earthly life behind, when they arrived at the
Bridge, they were automatically made young again, whole, and healthy.
Many pets had suffered a great deal before coming to the Bridge so for
them it was sweet release from the confines of an elderly or sickly body.
This was just one of the Creator's special gifts.  The one thing every
pet wanted more than to be young or healthy again was to be with the
person back on earth who they loved and was loved by in return.  The
Creator explained to them they would have to wait until their humans
crossed over but each pet would be reunited with that one special person.
Every animal knew about the Rainbow Bridge, the Creator had tucked the
secret deep in their hearts about this wondrous place, here they would
come to once their days in the sun on earth was over.
Due to arrive that morning was a dark sable ferret named Kodi.  Kodi was
only two years old and was described as the sparkle of his hooman-bean's
eye.  Just one short week ago Kodi suffered the loss of Mindy Lou, his
big brother Hubert had already gone ahead of him to the Bridge and
combine that with insulinioma and it was too much for this ferret's
little soul to bear.
Hearing the sound of ferrety feets coming across the Bridge, Muldoone
snaps to attention.  He immediately stepped out to greet the new arrival.
"Welcomes to da Wainbow Bwidge Kodi, I be Mr. Muldoone, officialist
Bwidge Gweeter.
Kodi stopped and sat down to survey his new surroundings.  "Dis pwace be
weally purddy he exclaimed to Muldoone.
Yup, dis pwace be purddy neats, we habe wots of neat stuffs to do here.
Someone say you habe a brudder and sistur here Muldoone said.
My big brudder Hubert and Mindy Lou, Kodi tells Mully and I would wike to
sees dem, I be missin dem.
Ok Muldoone tells Kodi, wets me wook em up on da stump scope to sees
where dey be and den I takes you to sees dem."
Locating the two ferrets and making note of exactly where they had hung
their hammies, Muldoone informs Kodi that he will take him to sees them.
"Mr. Muldoone, Kodi the new arrival begins, I be missin my mom a wot and
his eyes immediately filled with tears and they ran down his furry little
I understands kid, weally I do Muldoone informed him but I hab a berry
special message from your mom for you; she say for me to tells you dat
she woves you and will neber forgets you.  I missted my mom a wot when I
first comes here but you can peek in on your mom when she sweeps and you
can sends her whisker kisses.
Weally?  Kodi asked his eyes big and round.
Sur kid, we all do it Muldoone told him, I will shows you how and den
you can peek in on her anytime you wants to.  Come on, wets go finds your
brudder and sistur and with that Muldoone takes Kodi gently by the paw
and off they go in search of Mindy Lou and Hubert.
[Posted in FML issue 4816]