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Fri, 7 Oct 2005 11:58:14 -0700
text/plain (31 lines)
In response to my recent posting about the problems I'm having with my
furkids getting sick when on the new carpet, I found out from my landlord
that the carpet has NOT been treated chemically with anything (at least
by him but who knows how the new carpet was factory treated?) so it
appears to be just the "new carpet" fiber odor/gases that is the problem.
I think I'm already seeing an improvement however because Snowy was
running all over the condo last night and this morning and didn't sneeze,
cough, gag, or paw at his mouth even once.  And Sasha seemed to do fine
on the carpet, too, but she's really lazy anyway and didn't want to run
around and play much so she darted back into the cage hammy after about 5
I'm still keeping an eye on them however and I'm seriously suspecting
that Sasha has insulinoma issues, apart from the carpet problems, but
the sypmtoms for both problems we've experienced are so similar so I'm
getting her in to the vet today for a check-up.
I was really concerned that it would take a long while for the fuzzies
to get used to the carpet but I've been airing out the condo as much as
possible (thankfully we're having beautiful fall weather) and I'm sure
that's helping.  My vet (and some FML people) recommended steam cleaning
the carpet with water and vinegar but I don't think I'll have to do that.
Good to know however.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH to all who responded with suggestions; we appreciate
your time and efforts to help!!!  THANKS!
Jennifer and the dynamic duo - Sasha & Snowball  :-)
[Posted in FML issue 5024]