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Wed, 13 Jul 2005 17:03:38 -0500
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Hi to all especially Mommy Stephanie.
Well all, I rounded up Roly's business as I hears he was coming to de
Bwidge.  Wit me was Chance and Winkwomp, and Bilbo.
Dey was just a jumpin and war dancin in prep for Roly's passage.  Dey
keeps bugging me, Ms SaraFerret cans we runs out on de bwidge to get Roly
when we sees him.  No way, you furkids will just bounce de bwidge and
fall off on your heads and I donts really wants to get out de bandages.
Besides I is no fan of blood.
Ok Ms Sara whatevers you say.
Den we saw him and wowsie he was really a bouncer type --instead of
holdin on he was war dancin across de bwidge-- kinda dangerous but ohs
well.  I decide I has better cut his bouncing short befores this wild
group decides to join him in a-bouncin.  I runs out dere and caughts Roly
mid bounce.  He looks at me and says OOPS I almost slips.  Yeppers I
says, dats not de best way to cwoss.  So it took all my strength and
we bounced acwoss de west of de bwidge together.  I was just worn to a
frazzle by den.  And den it was a greeting time wit all war dancing and
whooping and dooking until everyone's has bounced demselves out.
I introduces myself and he says well Ms SaraFerret Mommy told me all
abouts you and how yous and Sandee and Muldoone gweets all de fewwets
cwossing.I sees you now has a beautiful tail--May I touch it.  Sure I
tells him--and says maybe next year de Boss will gets me a new fur body
coat.  He says your tail is sooo nice.
I tells Roly dat his Mommy Stephanie said he has lots of energy and I
and de Boss have a gweat job for him to do to works off dat energy, but
first.  We gots to gets you fixed up wit new outfits like wings and a
halo.  He just gwinned and said wowsie a halo--like cool.  Dese younger
ferrets have a different way of talking sorta like hooman teen-agers.  He
says he is kinda wore out now what wit bwidge crossing and meeting his
business.  And den we pops over to de Kits and Ladies Wearables--a new
place for de younger ferrets as dey are into wild colors and we (de Boss)
decided we should starts appealing to de younger kids.
In we all went-each one trying to be first--kinda tight squeeze and
flashing neon lights and rock music --oh mercy--I had not been here
before, but I knew it was going up.  And den all de kits and older
ferrets started dancing to de music--twust me yous has never seen war
dancing till dere are a tousand kits all hoppin around.
Okay folks we has business, OOPS-ya coulda heard a pin drop.  Quiet.
Okays Roly we gots to get you fixed up wit new wings and halos.  THere
it was justa laying dere looking at him and he says dats de one I would
like--please Ms SaraFerret can I have dis one.
Well I tells him apparently de Boss tought dat dis would just be ROly's
type and so it was made specially for him.  A sparkly wed, whites, and
blues--really wit all sorts or sparklys--no ways could dat ferret sneat
up on anyone--he shone like a beacon -- we fastened de wings on him--oops
it didnt fit just right and den Mama of all de kits produced her ever
present tape measure and it was fixed in a jiffy.  and den de halo in de
same covers.  Oh was he pwecious and all de young kits just looks at him
and smiles big.  And den de Boss actually came to meet Roly--who just
stood dere wit his mouth open-and he just pwained was silent.  De Boss
says now Roly dats no way to gweets Me So Roly bounces up to de Boss and
He puts outs His arms and Roly just bounces into His loving arms and den
Roly cwied for a bit saying he missed his hooman.  De Boss says well Roly
one day your hooman will cwoss dat very bwidge as she is such a good
person we knows she is a coming.  De Boss wiped de little Roly's eyes and
put him down on de floor and den de Boss kisses him on de cheek and den
passes round kisses to all.  Den little Mercy Kit, squeaked up and says
Roly you are so handsomes dat I makes a specially hammie for you and held
out a beautiful wed, whites and blues hammie and a new pwaymat and new
curtains for Roly.  Roly blushes as you could see Ms Mercy kinda flirted
wit Roly.  He says aw ahucks and tings like dat.  So we wraps up all his
new tings and wit halo and wings we went to his digs.  Just perfect--you
could see how hard his business had worked on cleaning up de pwace.
Curtains were now hung and de hammie was in its place and of course de
pwaymat.  Dey had hot tea and cookies for his party.  Dey invites me and
I stays for a while tinking wowsie I has gots to get back to de bwidge.
But I was so tired.
Anyways I tells Roly dat tomorrows me and de other gweeters would take de
new crossed ferrets on a tour of Ferretland.  Dey begs me to stay, but
den I yawned.  So wit politeness and a dozen cookies Ms SaraFerret's
takes off down de road to de bwidge while she was hoping she would fall
asleep in hers tracks and when she reaches de bwidge while eating a
cookie, she fell fast asleep wit a smile on hers face.  What a glorious
life went de toughts in her mind
Dooks, loves and nosekisseys (I learned dat in ermineland)
[Posted in FML issue 4938]