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Fri, 8 Jul 2005 02:28:22 -0400
Linda Phillips <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
Dooks one and all and hope you all had a happy and safe firecracker day.
My dilemma is one of a great big concern to me.  Most of you who always
read the FML may know that I rescued 2 beautiful ferrets from my local
SPCA back in February and they have a forever home with me...Cheyenne and
Dakota.  They were severe biters which has greatly improved especially in
Dakota with Cheyenne still needing a firm correction for the biting but I
love them to death.  My problem is this..Cheyenne is eating things she
should not eat and I am concerned about a blockage.  How can I keep her
from eating material things like her blankies, their sleeping bags I
made them, or even munching on her hammy?  So far, I had to remove their
covers from the play area and the sleeping bags.  I took out their old
hammy and made them a new one and it was only in the cage an hour and
she gnawed on it.  Luckily she has not had a blockage to this point but
certainly do not want it to occur at all.  There has to be a solution
to the situation at hand since I am sure she is not the only ferret who
needs to gnaw on such stuff.  What have any of you done to help remedy
a situation like this?  Any help with this is much appreciated.  Please
post directly to me instead of the FML.  Thanks in advance.  You all have
helped me in the past with issues concerning my other 2 ferrets(Kodo &
Tacoma), so thank you from the bottom of my heart.  My ferrets mean the
world to me and sure want nothing as dreadful as a blockage to occur.
I do know the signs and symptoms of a blockage and do pay very close
attention to the poopies<blush>.
Thanks and Dooks
Linda and the gang(Kodo, Tacoma, Cheyenne & Dakota)
and my ratty boys(Jacy, Topher, Dundee, Ash, Austin and Geo)
Dooks from me & my ferrets--Tacoma , Kodo & rescue ferrets Dakota &
Cheyenne who now have a forever home
Ferret grandma to Fria, Loki, Vivi and Duke...
missing Jamocha at Rainbow Bridge
"Ferrets leave tiny little paw prints on our hearts"
Ratties--Jacy, Topher, Ash, Dundee, Austin and Geo
Visit my daughter & her fiance's ferret web site at
[Posted in FML issue 4933]