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Mon, 13 Jun 2005 23:11:47 -0500
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Hi all dis is SaraFerret--sorry for all de delays-my hooman has been
swamped wit ferrets, cats and gwandchildren.
But I is back and Mommy is taking my notes.  handsies full of cats,
ferrets and de ever present gwandchildren.
First of all, I gweeted Ms Jezebel Ferret because Sandee was outs on calls
dat de Boss had sents her on.  I sure hopes you donts mind dat I was de gwe=
eted.  A bitey ferret--a girl after my owns heart.  She came bouncing acwos=
s de Bwidge like a pingpong ball.  Bounce bouncey--I tought she was a gonna=
 bouncey off de Bwidge--but I manages to catch her last bouncey so she didn=
t bouncey off. Heh-Heh.  Well she says what are you--I says well I is Ms Sa=
raFerret and I also has an atitude--just to lets her know.  I understands y=
ou is a bitey-bite.  She says yeppers I says well if you bitey-bites heres =
you go to detention which is a nice cage with just kibble and water.  None =
of de neat tings..--trusts me--I knows-when I first comes here I spends so =
much time in detention-dey had a cage wit my names on it.  Well de Boss set=
 me right and decided I needed some works to do--so I became Ms SaraFerret-=
greeter, checker, and tour leader.  I undrstands you had lymphoma--she says=
 yeps and dats jus lousy--I agrees even do my hoomans twied to keep me aliv=
e for two years with de best vet in de whole world, but de had to let me go=
 finallys.  Oh wowsie, she says we has a lots in common.  All of a suddens =
we is surrounds by dweezil her old buddy.  She says wells, Dweezil why is y=
ou here--he says well SaraFerret is gweeter at de bwidge--well partime anyw=
ays and hers dooks are worse den her bites.  She is really a super girlie. =
 I was so losts when I gots here I didnt know which end was ups.  Jezebel t=
ells him wells Ms SaraFerret and I has a lots in common and do you know dat=
 her hooman Mommy now has a Jezebel dats she calls Jazzy because de furry i=
s a speedfreak and bitey-bites lots.  Well Jezebel tells Dweezil dats I (sa=
ra) had lymphomas jes like I dids.=20=20
Well anyways I gots down to business with Ms Jezebel.  I told her all
aboutlife here on de Bwidge, but firsts we has to get her outfitted with
her new clothes.  She says NEW CLOTHES--I LOVES NEW CLOTHES!.  Well all
of us, twots over to de warehouse where de kits and older lady furries
makes up wings and haloes, and of course hammies and sometimes curtains
and rugs for dose dat like curtains and rugs.  She wents in dere and her
mouth fell open and she was just quiet--wowsie she said all dese haloes
and wings and hammies.  She runs from outfit to outfit.  Well de kits
ran out to loves on her and den I finally tells Ms Jezebel dat really de
older ladies just seem to know the perfect outfits for each girlie furry
and dey dwagged out dere finest --I had never seen dese before.  Furry
soft wings in sparkly colors and afurry halo to match and Jezebel had
tears in her eyes from joy --she twiesdem on and it was just like dey
were created for her.  And den of course de hammie--she looked and looked
and den she saw it a canopied hammock--oh wow every little girl ferret's
dweam of hammies with canopies of soft white with gold and silver shot
tru dem.
Well we gots her all dwessed and she looks just like a queen.  Twust me
every boys ferrets in sight was at her feets and well as being a girl
after myown heart she glides over dere outstwetched paws.  Dweezil was so
excited and says wait till you see our nice place--it is super and she
walked in dere and it was typical boy--I means like cobwebs dirty dishes,
clothes all over de pwace.  She looks at Dweezil and says you expect me
to lives in dis?  I offered her my pwace until Dweezil can gets his acts
together.  She says tanks for de offer but I will get dis boy to clean
this up and in de meantime -Ms SaraFerret if its ok I will stay with you
and Dweezle will stwaighten up dis messy pwace.  He promised and
promised.  She says I dont want promises--actions will do.  Now I know he
will get de pwace spotless and when dat is done Jezebel asks me if we can
pick out curtains and rugs--dirt just wont do.  So Ms. Sherrie, Jezebel
is doing great.
But to be truthful when Dweezil was gone, she sits down and just cwies
and cwies on my shoulder--I tells her not to call me ms saraferret--my
true friends call me Sara.  She misses her earth family so much and she
knows dat Mommy Sherrie is bwoken hearted.  But I tells her dat after a
while she will be able to slide down a comet tail at nite and she will
be able to whispersweet dooks in her ears and of course we had to go to
de reflecting pool where she could see Mommie Sherrie sitting wit her
furries around her and cwying and den obviouly Sherrie felt someting and
she got de most beautiful smile and it seemed as tho she knew dat Jezebel
was all right.  So Jezebel bundled up a bunch of kisseys and huggies for
Ms Sherrie and you know what when she reads dis she will feel all de
feelings from Jezebel.  After de cwying we were both sort of tired, but
she was looking forward to de tour tomorrow.  I know dat Jezebel will fit
into my business here--abouts 10 of cwossed over furries.  And I really
love dat girl--we are gonna be buds.  I is so sorry dat dis note is so
long--forgive my Human Mommy if she doesnt get it perfect--its kinda hard
to get dictation at nite and Mommy will do her bests to get de messages
to Ms Sherri until Jezebel can do its all on her own.
Remember Ms Sherrie--when you read kisseys and huggies from Jezebel will
tumble out all over
Love dooks, and nosekisseys
[Posted in FML issue 4908]