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Tue, 11 Jan 2005 12:40:51 -0500
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Hi all, dis is SaraFerret coming to you from de Rainbow Bwidge.  Mommy
Rebecca made a list of furkids for me to check on.
Is reallys sorry for de delay.  So first I goes up to de Boss's pwace and
check on de big book of names.  Now to twack down des furries-lets see
(hopes dey are all living together).  Oh-oh dey visit around lots.  Lets
see Genie, Elrod, and Shadow live just a ways fwom here.  So wit list in
hand, I makes my way down to dere home.  Today, at the advice of other
furfamily, I is dwessed with my pink pith helmet and surprise!  pink
shorts and shirt.  Very professional I must says.  I catches a glimpse of
my reflection in one of de reflecting mirrors and sheds a happy tear at
my looks-(still have de little head) but my tail is still pretty--smiles
at thought of de Boss's gift of de tail afters all my lifes wit a rat
tail.  Okay so Is a bit vain.  Blushes.
I comes to de house of de first gwoup Genie, Elrod and Shadow, knocks at
doorway which is open to all--Oops sorry-dey were all sleeping in today.
Of course dey all wakes up and I apologizes to all but says Mommy Rebecca
wants to know what dey are all doing.  They all sheds a bit of tears
tinking of dere marvelous lovey Mommy.  But den dey brushes dem away and
we all sits on de floor chattering.  We all is doing fine says Genie for
de wholegroup.  We sees Mommy all de time thru de reflecting pool and we
knows she sometimes gets sad about us and missing us.  But we gets
together wit de rest of our business everyday and den we party sometimes
over at de blackfoots digs.  We has de bestest times wit all of our
(Mommy Rebecca- dis is Sara and my halo is always at a tilt.  giggles).
Den Shadow speaks up and says well I am de bests of all at de tubing.  We
all giggled at dat--we loves de tubes and dere are just tons of dem at
de Bridge.  But I asks dem about Cinnamon and Samwise and Conan.  Oh for
sure Cinnamon is de leader of our family says Shadow.  I know Cinnamon
personally as she sometimes, but not too often comes over to de Kit House
to help wit de minding of dem kits.  Cinnamon is one cool lady fur.  She
is always toting around one little kit or other wit her on her back.
Dey loves to be carried.  And Samwise just made it here yesterday to be
greeted by rousing cheers from his rather large family.  Wowsie, dere
must be three dozen or so of Mommy Rebecca's kids at de bwidge.  And of
course who could forget Conan de wild kid, who wasnt tweated well before
he came to Mommy's house.  SaraFerret tinks of de time Conan told her
about dat kid wit de bwoom and we exchanged stories how she was trown
against de wall for biting.  No wonders we didnt act quite right.  But
den all de other family members shows up and we all just chattered away
about whats we were all doing.  Samwise just loves to chase de little
kits around and play big bad ferret going grrrr-r and listening to
pretend squeals from dems.
Well tea was brought out--iced of course--we ferrets always like iced
sweet tea although on earth we werent to get it.
And den we had de gweat biscuits dat Cinnamon had made wit cinnamon of
course and a bit of almond.  I was really getting full and had to make a
quick visit to de girls room if you knows what I mean--dat tea just goes
straight tru me.  blushes.  I have so much to do so wit hugs all around
and dooks I gots out.  Cinnamon hugged me special and said we are going
to have to do dis more often SaraFerret and I do love your outfit and de
tail is just perfect.  Dat girl just knows how to charm birds outta
twees.  And most of alls Mommy Rebecca we ended by going just outside to
de pool and looked down at dere Mommy and sent hugs and kisses to hers.
I sure hopes dat Mommy Rebecca can understand dis note, as I does tend to
go on and on and on.  And sometimes I dont makes a lots of sense, but oh
well.  Dats just me anyway.
Hugs and dooks from de Bwidge
[Posted in FML issue 4755]