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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 0603 28968 81 23_IFC statement of policy29_International Ferret [log in to unmask], 30 Mar 2006 19:02:26 -0500516_- As the result of some recent off list communications with I in a financial pinch or something. But my mommy adopted bunches of
ferrets from individuals and she was a good mommy to me and my brudders
and sissies. [...]42_23Jan200606:15:[log in to unmask] 0601 22721 18 15_Muldoone update15_Muldoone [log in to unmask], 23 Jan 2006 18:50:48 -0800317_- One ting I learn, never steps on a porklie-pine. Hi dis be Muldoone and
I be back. My paws still a wittle sore but dey be doins bettur.

SawaFewet takes gud care of me, she put stinkie stuff on my paws to helps
em heal and she change da bandlidges for me but I learns watches where
you be goin. [...]46_23Jan200618:50:[log in to unmask] 0601 22740 24 14_Attn: [log in to unmask], 23 Jan 2006 18:33:09 -0500541_- I have two bags of food--Natural Gold and Path Valley Chicken & Rice (the
softer kind)--that my spoiled boy doesn't eat. I also have a container
of frozen raw food for cats and ferrets but it would probably defrost in

I realize this is just a drop in the bucket, but I'd like to send them to
a shelter who desperately needs food. I could probably fit a few toys in
the box too if you like. Rocky has lots of those, too, that he has no
interest in. Ahh, the life of a spoiled only ferret ...if he [...]41_23Jan200618:33:[log in to unmask] 0601 22765 16 21_to NV red ferret lady11_Stacey [log in to unmask], 23 Jan 2006 08:06:18 -0800283_- I am so sorry for all that you've gone through. You are a hero in my
eyes. Depression is a monster, I hope that your dr can find something
that helps. My thoughts and prayers are with you, and I understand.

(ps - where can I find the blankies you have for sale?) [...]42_23Jan200608:06:[log in to unmask] 0601 22782 28 [log in to unmask], 23 Jan 2006 18:13:00 -0500589_- Dear Red Ferrets,

It really broke my heart to read your post--I had to skim the bad parts.
So I can understand how hard it must be for you and other shelter people
who try to take care of and find homes for ferrets. But I think it is
all those IRRESPONSIBLE, UNCARING HUMANS who should be euthanized, not
the ferrets! I think the majority of people shouldn't have animals OR
children; some shouldn't even have plants. A lot of people just don't
seem to distinguish between living creatures and inanimate objects in
their homes (and I'm not talking about [...]41_23Jan200618:13:[log in to unmask] 0601 22811 31 22_Euthanasia versus life11_Red [log in to unmask], 23 Jan 2006 20:46:37 -0800484_- Everyone,
Thank you soooo much for all your responses.

I got home from work and had a ton of personal email in my inbox. It has
taken me until now to get caught up on reading it all. I can't believe
anyone even read everything I have written.

It will take me a while to respond to everyone individually, I want to
personalize my responses, and it will take some time, so please, take
this as a generic thank you and a promise for a response later. [...]42_23Jan200620:46:[log in to unmask] 0601 22843 78 33_Re: Why I now think euthanasia...15_Kesrael [log in to unmask], 24 Jan 2006 00:53:23 -0500562_- Your story really irked me and made me wish I could fly to Reno to knock
some heads together. However, I doubt it would be necessary to go all
that way, because what you've described happens everywhere, I'm sure.

Just last w
Mon, 23 Jan 2006 17:04:12 -0500
text/plain (73 lines)
Hi all, dis is SaraFerret, one of the bridge greeters for ferret
afterworld.  I was just playing tag with one of my sisters, Sheila, when
the loud speaker announces SaraFerret, report to the Rainbow Bridge.
Oh wowsie, I literally flew to my regular post--knowing I would be in
deep doo-doo if I wasnt there to greet the fuzzy.  A note awaits me, Mr
Fingers is about to cross de bridge.  Get Winkie so you can have someone
he knows from his earth life.  Winkie shows up immediately--telepathy or
what LOL.  Nah us ferrets just seem to know things in advance
Now I see him getting ready to cross the bridge.  Oh wowsie, what is this
fuzzy doing!!!!  I look at note--long fingers; well hmmm.  He is doing
his ladder walk wit de fingers, overhand yet.  Wowsie that is one classy
ferret--swinging over de bridge with his long fingers.  Others gather
to watch him; we will definitely have to find him a place on the Ferret
Olympics here when recruitment starts.  He swings up between me and
Winky, and kisses my paw.  I have never had a paw kissed.  The note says
watch him, he is an escape artist.  We visits and he shares jokes wit
Winky about dere past.
I tells him dat he was really cool making his entrance dat way.  Even de
Boss came to watch him and you know it takes a lot for Him to come and
see something.  Am I forgetting something in all the wowsieness?  Of
course!  The wings.
I introduces myself as SaraFerret and he says young lady I have heard so
much of you from my hoomins.  (I hope it was good what he heard).  Then
he disappears.  Oh-oh I am in for it now; already lost a new arrival.
Then right by the door to de Wing and Halo House he appears again.
Clever, cute NOT!  I tells Fingers dat he is gonna get me in such trouble
but everyone around us is laughing and giggling at his show.  I tells
Fingers dat we has to find him some wings unless he plans to swing from
cloud to cloud.  And in we all go, and...whaddayaknow a new group of
wings of all colors are laid out on de table.  He walks back and forth,
putting a paw on each one but being careful not to leave marks on de
wings.  He decides on the gold ones with silver threads in dem.  Oh
wowsie, dose must be de new kind dat Auntie Mary Ferret was talking
about.  Okay Winkie and I start attaching wings by dose straps.  We look
at him-oh he looks so good and of course de gold halo.  I start to pick
out a new hammock for him, but Winky stops me, saying I already have de
hammie ready.  Hmmm now what do I do.  I am still stunned by Mr Fingers
kissing my paw.
Okay de tour.  He asks if he can go to see his parents hoomans in de
reflecting pool--hmmm how did he know dat!  He looks at me and says
well word travels fast in de ferret world.  But den he sees his parents
sitting around de table, not crying but reminiscing (tink I spelt dat
right).  Remember when he did dat and did de other ting.  He sees a note
fluttering above de pool--new to me never have seen someting like dat.  I
grabs de note and reads it aloud.  Its from his hoomans saying dey miss
him so much and love him and to be a good boy at de bridge.  Mr Fingers
takes de note and a big tear crawls down his cheeks; but den he wipes it
away and stands up straight and strong.  He is really trying hard not to
cry, but it shows in his face when abruptly he says well Ms SaraFerret
where to now.  Off we go to de mudslide created by the crazy otters.  Oh
what fun and we all take a spin down dat.  Hose ourselves off as we have
other places to go, fruit bar for snacks, the kibble garage where all
the boy musteys hang out looking at de latest in ways to get around de
clouds, oh and den we pick up snacks at de store for party-party-party.
Winky leads us to dere new den.  Everything is cleared away for de
wardancing, bounces, and so on and a table is set up in de corner wit de
ice cold pepsis and sweet iced tea and crackers wit squirt cheese and a
bunch of little pieces of cheese in case a mousie angel drops by.  And
all of a sudden de place is loaded wit musteys and mousie angels.  War
dances and bounces.  We dance thru de nite cuz we are night ferrets.
Then one by one we drops off to de blankets and fall asleep or some leave
to go home.  Me--I just find me a nice blankie under de table and takes
my last sip of cold pepsi and drop off to sleep.  And another ferret has
crossed de bridge.
Dooks of love
[Posted in FML issue 5132]