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Tue, 13 Sep 2005 05:06:22 -0400
Risa Di Vincenzo <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (96 lines)
It was the summer of 2000.  I had my two little fuzzgirls, Mikette and
Baby, and I felt blessed.  I was finally online with a computer station
and at the discovery of ferret shelters, was looking for a local one to
help.  I came across the Gimmee Shelter Ferret Rescue just at the edge of
Cape Cod.  I had no intention of adding a third ferret to my group, but
at the description of Jillie I knew I had to have her.  She was described
as a ferret so sweet, that she couldn't stay in the shelter, it would be
too much for her.  Jillie had been abandoned in a carrier outside Angell
Memorial hospital in Boston.  She was named after Jill who helped rescue
When I called I didn't know the shelter Mom Jan was away on her only
vacation.  Her friend Bonnie, who was watching the ferrets, explained to
me that she thought Jillie was already to be adopted.  I just had to meet
her, even if I couldn't adopt her I just had to meet this gently soul.
Bonne did me a huge favor by allowing me to visit, even as the shelter
was not open for regular business.  I came bearing items for the shelter
and got to hold sweet Jillie.  I went home without her but happy to have
known her, if only briefly.
I hadn't originally planned to adopt a third anyways, so things were as
I thought they should be.  But Bonnie told Jan of my visit, and I was
surprised the next week by a phone call from Jan, inviting me to come
back and adopt Jillie.  I was surprised, unsure, and excited.  I packed
up the carrier and my Mom (who is my unending support in this world),
and off we went to get Jillie.
My Mom and I each held Jillie, and watched as she walked gently around
the shelter floor and slowly through the plastic tube.  Jan laughed
saying how she does everything gentle, and going through the tube.  The
three of us then went over the barrier to the other room to fill out
paperwork.  After a few moments I noticed Jillie, sweet gently Jillie,
scaling a cage to get a better view of what we were doing.  I then
brought Jillie in the other room with us and set her on the floor.  She
went over to the carrier I had brought, went in, came out, and danced.
She danced and dooked she ran up and down the hall playfully.  Jan was in
shock, she kept saying "she doesn't do this" finally as we all were
laughing and enjoying Jillie's antics Jan concluded "she knows she's
getting her second chance".
I brought Jillie home and Mikette immediately came to the carrier
sniffing suspiciously.  I let Jillie out and she ran room to room,
ducking in and out of ferret beds dooking and discovering everything.
Finally, tired, she went back in the carrier to rest.  Baby, who had
finally realzied another ferret had joined us went in the carrier and
layed with Jillie.  Mikette, who had 6 months ago had embraced Baby as a
kit was not as welcoming with Jillie.  Despite my best efforts she bit
Jillie on the neck whenever she felt Jillie needed to be reminded of
something.  Jillie, my happy little girl, went into "shelter shock" a
week and a half later.  She was suddenly in despair and didn't want to
eat.  I gave her hand feedings and cuddled her.  When I had to work a
double shift I asked my Mom to come feed Jillie in my absence.  I was
shocked to come home that night and find my Mom still there, cuddling
Jillie close, just because she knew she needed it.  Jillie and my Mom
were bonded forever that even ing.  Jillie came around, so did Mikette
who realized slowly what a treasure Jillie was.
She was truly a treasure.  At first I wondered how someone could have
walked away from such a soul so sweet, then I came to be so thankful that
they did.  That Jillie got to be mine.  I forever thanked Jan for letting
me have this gentle love.  Everyone loved Jillie, everyone.  Whenever
friends came over she would join them.  She didn't always want to be
held, but would choose to lay right by them and would happily accept
petting.  As the years passed enjoyed being held close and would gently
rest her head along your arm.  Content.
Jillie had a certain contentment with her life.  She would often stretch
out in a big yawn that somehow seemed to convey her happiness with her
life.  Something about her was different than my other two.  They seemed
to accept their life, their spoiled priviledged life, as a ferrets right.
Jillie seemed to know otherwise.  She seemed grateful.  Jillie never
once in her five years with me, hid an item.  She never took claim to
anything.  She was happy to play and curl up in contented slumber.  I
set up a digging dirt box recently, that she alone enjoyed.  She didn't
really dig, but she would go in there often (especially after meds) and
just kind of lay on the dirt, enjoying it.  She would come out with dirt
in her nose smelling of the sweet earth.
She was my sweet love, and eveyone else's as well.  She was the favorite
of all my friends.  Everyone asked for her.  She was a sweet angel and
would pose in her little flowered hat for special visitors.  Last
christmas she and I both showed up at my friend's gathering in our
reindeer antlers.  She had also been invited.
Somehow this gentle soul worked her way into eveyone's heart.  Phyllis,
I know you loved her too, and I told her.  I often told her everyone
loved her and then I recounted for her all the ones who's heart she had
touched.  She had the sweetest soul, and now I must say goodbye.  My
chest aches in heavy sadness.  I ache.
Rest gently my sweet love.  I will love you forever.  You'll always be my
Jillie, I was lucky to have you and you'll always be with mine.  You're
forever my Jillie girl and I'll always be with you.  I knew, but yet I
can hardly believe you're gone from me.  I love you so much my Jillie.
[Posted in FML issue 5000]