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Sun, 10 Apr 2005 02:04:19 -0500
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Hi ya all and esp hiya to Mommy Laraine
Ups here we knows how de humans feels sads when dere fur children depart
for de bwidge but believe me once we get here dere's no pain or tings
like dat.  The only times it gets a bit touchy is when we do something
just on the naughty side and dens we gets put in our den wit no treats
nothing but kibbles and water and no visitors except the occasional
mousies or cats housecleaners--it jus mazes me how dese non musteys got
dis jobs but dey say dey love dis work and really no one works all dat
much as most of us was tought to be clean by our earth parents.  Dere I
go chattering on and I have just got to get to dat bwidge in time for
All of a sudden everyone seens a fast blur of wings and pink going past
dem wit the people saying yeppers SaraFerret's late again--reminds me dat
she was late for her own funeral --Giggles.  Who cares what dey tink--I
is sooooo late--hope he isnt here yet and wandering around.  Also once
dere I get on de loudspeaker and page his business: all who belong to
Ritchie furson of mommy laraine to de bridge--has to do dat cuz lotsa us
have same names--betcha not too many are called SaraFerret.
Den there are bunches of swooshies--at de bwidge awaiting his arrival and
dere he is--what for goodness sake is dat boy carrying--no wonders he
cants hardly walk--I tink he bwought de earth wit him.  Giggle.  Okays he
is not gonna makes it by hisself so I dashes out so fast I almost goes
off de bwidge myself.  Quick grab rope -wowsie close one.  I reaches
Ritchie and he looks at me funny like as in who what are you--I says no
time to chat gotta get you across de bwidge cuz you is carrying someting
heavy.  He says how can you tell--SaraFerret reminds herself not to say
anyting naughty as she got caught wit her mouth before and was in
detention for three weeks.  So I jus says come on we gotta get across.
Wow, dat boy is sure heavy.  Oh wonderful-his business has made a change
of demselves to reach us so we donts fall off.  We finally makes it.
After a quick drink of water all de way around-I finally get de energy to
squeak hiya I is Ms SaraFerret bridge greeter.  We greet all ferrets when
dey pass out of dere earth life and come to dis gweat place.  Your mommy
calls us and tells us you are coming even tho dose wonderful drs worked
on you.  When its yr time its yr time.  Ritchie suddenly got big tears in
his eyes you mean I is never gonna go back to Mommy Laraine--what will
she do witout me.  All of his bidness gather round him saying mommy will
be okay in a few but you just gotta get used to de idea dat you are here
and one day Mommy Laraine will cwoss de Bwidge and we will all be
together.  I tells him come here over to dis reflecting pool--now who do
you see dere in de water--he says myself--no look harder and den he sees
Mommy Laraine putting pretty flowers on his grave.  Any times you want to
as long as you donts get carried away wit it you can come here or one of
de other pools and see yr Mommy and when you get tru probation de Boss
will even let you slilde down a comet tail to visit your mommy at night
so you can whisper sweet dooks in her ears even tho she probably wont
see you she will know dat you are dere by the feel of your whispers in
her ears.
Okay now down to de business--what are you carrying.  What do you mean
whatam I carrying--his other business members go gee whiz Ritchie the
load in yr backpack are you carrying our cage or what.  Well sorta he
says.  His fur-sister Molly says oh-oh.  (SaraFerret makes note to self
saying someone is gonna have to take dat cage back dere maybe one of de
Great Pyrenees who do carrying for us.  Well he starts taking all dis
stuff out--okay Mommy Laraine he has takes apart de cage in little pieces
and brung it wit him but it will be back (I hope)--Ritchie starts to cry
again am I in twouble I just got here and I have been bad already.  No
no we all says--you didnt know-- we have lotsa pwaces to live here so we
wonts needs de big cage--we all admire how he got it in that small
backpack--any toys Cinnamon aska and is seconded by Adidas--yeppers four
squeakers.  We all admire de squeakers.  But now we hustles him to de
Warehouse for his wings and halo.  Okay what colors do you wants.  How
abouts dose rainbow ones over dere and dere in the corner were a pair of
dusty rainbow colored wings--dey are just a mite too big for ya Ritchie
Molly says--nope dey will fit me gweat.  You all knows us ferrets we cant
do anyting.  By golly he gots de wings on with my and Molly's help and
strap dem on.  We tells him dat he must be able to take dem off at nite
so we need a tiny bit of practice and so we practiced about ten times.
Hey dis ferret is great and den he points to de halo to match and of
course dere was a cage ype hammie dat was all in different colors.  So
he gots dem too.  Now I says we gots to find you a pwace to stay.  No ya
dont Ms SaraFerret Molly who musta been alpha ferret on earth we has a
bigggg den and his hammie will fit perfectly.  Ms SaraFerret why donts
you come wit us and join us in a party lots of food and stuff.  I begs
off saying I have loads of paperwork to do.
Dey all run off carrying Ritchie wit dem and de cage wit me.  Okays
now all de paperwork to get one of dose dogs to carry it back.  Just
den a Big whites dog comes by and says why is you looking so sads Ms
SaraFerret-- Hey its George Pyrenees-- my fav white dog.  Could you do
me a big favor one of de little angeled ferrets misunderstand what he
had to bring wit him and brought this cage.  Could you get it back to
his Mommy and he says sure anything for you.  Oh George I says you are
truly an answer to a maiden's prayer.  We gots him loaded up and ready
to go.  Mommy Laraine you will know dat he got here when you see your
cage in pieces appear on yr doors.
Now I is going to take a looong nap and rest
Loves and dooks and hugs
[Posted in FML issue 4845]